Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What a delightful morning! Frank Hummert and a dozen or so other retired teachers came shopping at The Bare Wall before touring the Governor's Mansion and having lunch at the Chicago Grille. Bob especially enjoyed waiting on them, being a retired teacher himself . . . Thanks to our neighbor Eric our sign is back in place and looking spiffy after a masterful refurbishment. We cannot congratulate him enough. This calls for a major act of gratitude on our part . . . You were warned: this afternoon one customer came in and swept up all our remaining bayberry candle pairs. They join the mints, canal houses and white snowflakes that once graced the archway and window on our "sold out" list . . . I cannot vouch for this story myself, but---an acquaintance who works half a year at a gift shop in Maine told me that his store sells more Root Candles than any other in the nation. He has been to the factory in Ohio and did I know?--Root candles are the tapers of choice at the White House . . .

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