Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Well, don’t be surprised if The Bare Wall gets a scathing review on TripAdvisor from Hans in Florida. He came shopping this morning and made some very nice selections. Unfortunately, in processing his charge card I entered the wrong amount. Then, when I tried to refund the considerable difference, the machine charged that amount to his account as well. Finally we settled on an exchange of cash and hopefully everything will come out even in the end. Nonetheless, Hans had to be highly irritated with me and I wouldn’t blame him for telling the world. (We did eventually understand the problem, but the cash exchange satisfied us both.) . . . Felix Hess will be four years old on Thursday and wants a “white radio that plays CDs” and anything else that might come along. Jack Brandt celebrates his natal day on Friday, and we owe Tim Zeigler an apology for missing his birthday June 4 . . . People are still talking about the mayor crashing the gate with her entourage at ArtsFest. Apparently her failure to support the arts programs in the area irritated a lot of people . . . I believe the stress in our lives is finally catching up with Bob and me. We both were sound asleep before eight p.m. last night . . .

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