Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Do you know anything about voodoo? My neighbor is very curious. He opened the door this morning and found a neat pile of rice on his stoop. At first he thought it was probably a thoughtless leftover from a Chinese dinner that someone simply tossed away; but wait--this was uncooked rice, and so neatly displayed. This must be a meaningful deposit, but what? Anyone out there want to take a stab at this? . . . Brian MacLeod has been reporting that our street light is out for a couple of weeks; thus far nothing has been done so he asked neighbors to join in the protest.
The darkness could have helped in the theft of the Hill porch table and chairs over the weekend, so I called the emergency number posted on the pole this morning. Well, folks, it turns out that the city no longer has a maintenance contract with that particular firm and though it promises to pass the word of outage along, there is no way to be sure that the message got through. Should you have any street lamp problems and live in the city, you should report same to the Public Works department at 236-4802 . . . Today's big news from city hall concerns the poll taken by a local television station and what the figures might mean. I was one of those called in this survey that sought to judge public opinion on the city debt. I voted for bankruptcy since those whose judgement I trust seem to support that option, but apparently we are in the minority there. Some of the questions were a bit difficult to answer since the choices overlapped--the bankruptcy issue and the mayor/council cooperative endeavor were the possible answers to the same question . . .

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