Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Another beautiful day, but the last for a while if we are to believe the weathermen. The store was very busy; I am so happy that you are taking advantage of our sale prices . . . I did slip away for a bit to view the Earl Blust painting exhibit at the Whitaker Center. I am sorry I hadn't gone earlier because it was well worth seeing and I would have promoted it more in the blog. The show ends Friday, but if you have a moment, do slip into the lobby. There is no charge . . . Another new shipment of merchandise has arrived. Last year we had great success with a little gift book called Christmas Memories which selected a highlight of every year in the century; (do you know when Rudolph debuted or when White Christmas was first performed?). We have more of those in stock and also a new companion piece called 20th Century Memories, which highlights an event or two in every year. I haven't had a chance to explore it, but Bob says this is a marvelous gift book for older people--the older, the better. Both sell for $12.95 (and are eligible for the 10% discount during the sale, of course) . . . These pumpkins are adult works (you don't let the little ones go at it with the knife) but one is already getting squishy and is not apt to make it to Halloween, I am informed . . .

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