Monday, January 17, 2011

Sorry if I disappointed anyone by not posting yesterday. Bob made brunch for our out-of-town guests and we lingered over our plates. I felt a little nappy after that and a tiny snooze turned into a three hour sleep. By the time the football games were over, it was just too late to trek down the street . . . Totally different today. With bad weather on the menu we decided to get some work accomplished. Bob cleaned at my apartment while I tackled a lot of book work. Started on the taxes and am way ahead of where I was last year . . . My printer-scanner-copier is giving me trouble, so I spent a great deal of time figuring out how to get around the glitches. It wants me to insert a corrective disc that I cannot seem to locate, but I think I can still provide pictures for the blog until I get some on-line assistance . . . We want you to come and savor our bargains, but not if the weather is as icy as predicted. Sorry that this has to occur on inauguration day when so many will want to be in the burg, but if you are one of those travelling, please be careful . . .

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