Monday, May 10, 2010

Proud Poppa Eric Battisti sent us this picture of fifteen-month-old daughter Cecilia over the weekend. I was startled by the girl’s pointing finger. Her brother and our godson JJ used to do the same thing repeatedly when he was small. We were concerned enough at the time to consult pediatrician Dr. Bob Coldren about the matter. What did all this pointing mean? Was JJ trying to tell us something? Dr. Bob explained to us that the “pointing” was not at all unusual among the young and was, in fact, a good sign. It indicated that the brain was active and inquisitive. JJ was not yet talking, of course, but when he pointed we always tried to get him close to the object of interest. It might be just a leaf or a flower or perhaps a colorful magazine cover. Kids are curious about everything. Anyway, I dug back into our picture albums (no easy task; I swear JJ has been photographed more often than Marilyn Monroe) and finally came up with a photo of JJ that I knew to be there. What surprised me was the fact that it was dated June 2007, which meant he was fifteen months old at the time . . . I am wondering if JJ will be teaching his sister from his bag of devious tricks. Just last week he was watching his favorite cartoon dog Kipper on the computer when Eric said that as soon as this segment was over they would be heading home. JJ wasn’t ready to go. His little fingers drummed on the desktop for a moment, and then his hand grasped the mouse. Dad wasn’t watching, but I was: ever so stealthily JJ maneuvered the arrow to the time-lapse feature below the picture and deftly slid it back almost to the beginning. “JJ, we have already seen this part,” I whispered. He glanced at me sternly with a “keep your mouth shut” look and then broke into an impish grin. Dad never caught on . . . hope you noted Rick May's comment on yesterday's post. A plant was stolen from their step over the weekend . . .

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