Wednesday, July 13, 2011

We were surprised and exceedingly pleased by today's visit from Pansy Michaels, executive pastry chef at the Lancaster Country Club. Pansy used to live across the street from The Bare Wall (yellow house) and was active in the Historic Harrisburg Association. We had not seen her for about thirty years . . . I am happy to report that a team of workmen tackled the damages to Amy and Doug Hill's home caused by an alleged drunken driver some weeks back. (That is the blue house across from The Bare Wall.) Ron and his crew will make it as good as new . . . Added a small new picture to the left of the text here. That is Bob's backyard hydrangea bush which has prolific blooms this year . . . The Green Street Stuffed Toy Mystery continues to fascinate. Two days ago we awoke to a scattering of stuffed animals and other figures, many with a Christmas theme, up and down our block. One witness reported that a woman coming uptown from the south suddenly opened a large bag and began flinging these toys in all directions. We would all like to know the name of the perp and especially the motive . . .

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