Teacher's Conference
Scott Adrian, Bob Deibler and Tad Herrold got together for a chat (and a beer, not shown) yesterday afternoon at The Bare Wall. Scott teaches at Millerburg High and as a new teacher was mentored by Bob his first year. Bob retired in 1991 after 30 years in the English department and serving as director for the high school musicals. Tad was one of Bob's pupils and became an International Teacher; he has taught in Venezuela, Costa Rica and Moscow among other venues and he leaves tomorrow for service in Kathmandu, Nepal . . . Temps back in the 90s today. (Sorry the boys didn't leave a swig or two behind!) . . . As of this morning the stolen car in yesterday's report has not been recovered . . . Have been unpacking some of our fall merchandise with more to come. A couple of cute items for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Got more of those faux pears ($2 each) that look so autumn-ish in a fruit bowl or wicker basket . . . Hard to concentrate in this heat, however . . . Put out a stack of hard-bound books for $2 each and some "cozy mystery" paperbacks for fifty cents . . . Posting early today since Bob is doing a conference telephone call later in the afternoon . . .
Jana and I remember and rejoice in our brief meetings with Ronn over the years. Our love to you now and always. Dennis Noll