Bob and Ronn are celebrating their twenty-five years together this weekend . . . We have been side by side through the loss of our parents, Ronn’s emergency gall bladder surgery, Bob’s “near miss” when he was T-boned at Green and Forster by a young woman driver on her cell phone, the theft of the car, a couple of blizzards , a few flood threats and four years with our godson JJ who can bend our wills to his every whim . . . the Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11, numerous political upheavals, ecological disasters, and—perhaps most of all—the huge technological leap in communications. And, just like everybody else, our “retirement fund” isn’t what it used to be . . . But mostly it has been routine—even humdrum. We’ve shared books, crossword puzzles, films. Bob cooks, I eat. We observe the holidays and search for a present for each other which is not easy after twenty-five years. We have collected a lot of special friends through the years and you know who you are and we thank you for your many kindnesses . . . People often ask how two gay men could possibly stay together for twenty-five years when “real” marriages don’t last half that long in a majority of cases. Our answer usually elicits a smile: “We have two houses.” . . . (This picture was snapped years ago by Jack Brandt. If you click and enlarge it, you will see the Capitol dome reflected in the door glass) . . . Our posts will resume on Monday . . .
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