Very nice "do" at Victoria's tonight. She has her new digs looking lovely. This teetotaller even had a sip of wine . . . The Root Candle holiday order has arrived. Some nice scents--bayberry, balsam, candy cane. The popular two-pack makes a return at a lower price: $16.50. Each tall decorated jar burns for 50+ hours . . . Friends of the late Nick Whitmore are gathering at the Civil War Museum Saturday night from 5:30 - 10 p.m. What a wonderful remembrance; Nick was steeped in every phase of the conflict. Congratulations to those who planned this memorial . . . I bend to JJ's every whim while Bob remains aloof--NOT. Heard JJ tell his Uncle Bob last night that all the grape juice was gone and--presto--when I opened the fridge today, there was the juice. JJ also told Bob that his wasn't a real Christmas tree because it didn't have a star on top. That sent Bob to his basement, and today the family star now graces the Bare Wall tree . . .
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