A raw day with no customers, and we are so eager to show off all the new stuff. Slowly but surely our holiday offerings are emerging from the closets. Lots of new soaps and lotions are en route even as I write . . . Lee Spitalny has reminded me of yet another game with apples that we played as children. The fruit was suspended above us on strings and we stood on stools, hands behind the back, and tried to trap the goodies with our teeth. Not so easy as it sounds, and more than a few of us fell off the stool. Break an arm playing one game or drown playing the other. How did we ever live to tell the tale? . . . Despite her loss I want to congratulate Bridget Montgomery on her campaign to become a Dauphin County Common Pleas judge. Bridget has been a long-time customer and I worked with her mother, Malie, for many years at the State Library . . . Had a high-spirited phone call from John Goldsmith today. He is really enjoying his new life as a condo owner in Palm Springs, California. The complex is teeming with social life--a party almost every night. John sent numerous pictures of his new environment, all just ten feet or less from his front door. I chose the one with flowers (of course) with the pool in the background . . . And speaking of John, are there readers who remember Goldsmith's Furniture Store on Market Square? It was THE PLACE for home decor with a host of designers to help with the selection. John, Scott Geiger and Glenn Lyons are names which come to mind . . . and John, you never did find me that apple green ripcord bedspread that I wanted some thirty years ago . . .
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