It seems that no one sings Over the River and Through the Woods at Thanksgiving anymore. It was a staple in my childhood although we never went "to Grandmother's House" in a sleigh , , , My father was a jeweler and gift shop owner and back then one didn't decorate in the middle of August. The shop wasn't magically transformed until we opened for business on the Friday following Thanksgiving so that day was given over to decorating in earnest. Our "dinner" was a late supper with everyone too exhausted to enjoy it properly . . . I have no great Thanksgiving tales to tell, so I am stealing one from Jacquie Kirby Hensel's monthly Re/Max newsletter. She will probably hate me for this, but it is so cute it deserves to be passed along . . . Jacquie writes: I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving. I am not a cook!!! I don't have the time, the patience, or the knack, but the one day out of the whole year that I like to cook is Thanksgiving. I can actually make stuffing and get it in the turkey, and with Glenn Miller's and Spike's help, pull the rest of it together for a fairly festive dinner!! You'll all get a laugh out of this little story about last year. There were to be only 3 of us for dinner, so I decided that we should buy a crock pot and a little turkey breast for a change. There was a mix-up at the farmer's market, and when I looked at the turkey breast early Thursday noticed that we had been given the Henry's order, and Mrs. Henry had ordered a whopper. It looked like a very fat football!!! But it was wrapped in this nice string netting which I decided to leave on to make it easier to lift this huge breast out of the crock pot at dinnertime. I can hear you guys laughing already. The plastic smell that became more pervasive and acrid as the day wore on, I attributed to the new crock pot. I could not, however, figure out what the little popping sounds were. I know you're not supposed to take the lid off, but I couldn't stand the suspense any longer. Well the breast was growing, the RUBBER netting was disintegrating and we had dinner at TJ Rockwell's, the only restaurant open at 7:00 pm on Thanksgiving night. Hope I made you all laugh. Think of me on Thanksgiving morning when your turkey's humming along in the oven. Jacquie
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