The goat milk lotions arrived today. Some goods at very nice prices--hand cream for just $5.50 unboxed (regularly $7.50). Combined with the French soap close-outs that arrived last week this makes for a very interesting and economic cosmetics offering . . . Bob Coldren and Jack Barnett are planning their decorations for the Candlelight House Tour. Over the years they have assembled quite a collection of lighted houses--enough to duplicate all of London, I suspect, complete with trees, vehicles and people. They cannot utilize all of them; not enough space. Bob is selecting some not seen by friends and neighbors for a few seasons for this year's street scape . . . the discussion led us back to our childhood when one bought tiny paper houses for under the tree--25-cents at G. C. Murphy's 5 & 10. Getting the light bulbs to stay inside with a minimum of exposed wire was a chore and a disaster if one used "series" lights (one goes out, they all go out). Designing and constructing our family panorama was always my job, and if you click on the picture you will see that I missed my calling as an urban planner . . .
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