At seven o'clock this morning we were temporarily trapped inside the house when our neighbor's tree came crashing down across our porch roof and sidewalk, burying two cars in the process. Bob “pruned” us a path to the curb and I stood by to be sure we got our morning paper; what is Sunday without the crossword puzzle? . . . Decided to return to bed but a short while later a city crew showed up with power saws to free the cars and open the street; they were not permitted to do any trimming beyond the gutter and besides, they had a lot of trimming to do. Our area was really hard hit. The cars, incidentally, were unscathed . . . Brian Wall, driving by, stopped to offer his assistance should it be needed. Once again I decided on a nap, but the blanket was no sooner under my chin than Bill Fritz of
Classic Groundskeeping arrived with his chain saw to free the rest of the house; the debris will be carted away tomorrow . . . I went for a walk to survey the area but soon decided that that was not a good idea. Wires and small limbs were coming down everywhere . . . JJ's
Jungle House in Mt. Gretna was knocked off its foundation when an adjacent tree was uprooted . . . We drove to Camp Hill late this afternoon but the traffic lights on Market Street were not yet functioning . . . Jon Carfagno and Larry Kirkhuff got back from their Arizona vacation late last night, just in time for the hurricane. As I suspected, that was Jon and Larry and traveling companions in the balloon we showed a few days ago . . . Friday night between midnight and six a.m. someone deliberately broke a window at Green and Briggs Street. The sash was double-paned so no entry was gained if that was the intention . . .
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