Two major shipments today. Twenty-four new puzzles--well, twenty-three at this point since we sold one already . . . "carved" pumpkins for fall decor featuring a scarecrow, cornucopia or turkey ($14). Nice right through the Thanksgiving Weekend . . . Getting to be good friends with FedEx and UPS these days. The trash men may not be quite so happy with us, however . . . Well, if you want to gift a cat lover you will want to take a look at these two critters. The taller one is about eight inches and his companion is a little over seven stretched out. They sell for $12 and we have two of each on hand . . . Also cleaned up the boxing closet. We have our tissue hanging on rods for easy reach and during the recent heat wave we had fans going in the store. JJ, curious as to what was behind the door, opened it and the breeze scattered the tissue everywhere. It was quite a mess I'm telling you . . .
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