A busy social schedule Saturday. First a stop in Kathy MacNett's backyard for the CAN annual picnic. Good food and great fellowship in wonderful surroundings. Hope didn't disappoint me--she arrived with several pizzas. Would like to mention all who attended but that would be quite a list . . . Then on to celebrate Rick May's birthday. More terrific food and comradeship. We old folks chose not to linger, so we missed the cake. Mary Ann has promised that we would get a piece if any was left over . . . A friend in the country e-mailed to tell me that the lettuce treated with antifreeze is indeed a farmer's trick for groundhogs but he suggests that we use a trap; otherwise we might be smelling up the neighborhood unpleasantly . . . JJ came by yesterday and investigated his toy box which he hadn't visited for several months. Complained that some things were missing and had me searching the house for the misplaced items. Amazing what a memory these youngsters have. Still haven't found the missing drink coasters which he uses as 'plates' for his picnics on a Steelers blanket . . .
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