Our thanks to Andy from Chambers Hill for his response to our "for sale" entry on Craig's List. He is collecting all of the Oscar winners on VHS tape and we were able to assist greatly in his effort to complete his list. Still quite a few tapes in this category on offer for $6, but we can work a deal if you are buying several . . . Enjoyed the evening at the Battisti house celebrating Eric's 40th birthday. It is not for a few days yet, but he is travelling. Got to greet a lot of old acquaintances and played "Monster" for the kids; am already feeling the effects of that effort to keep them entertained. Now where did I put that Ben-Gay? . . . Okay, I will confess. Bob misunderstood the invitation, so we showed up last night and the house was empty. And Bob insists that I'm the one who never listens properly . . . It was another beautiful day. While wife Jaime sunbathed, Bryan MacLeod enhanced the curb appeal of their home at 706 Green Street (which they are trying to sell) by scrubbing the shingles on the facade. One has to do what one can in this housing market. A lot of lookers at this fully renovated property but thus far no firm offers that have panned out . . .
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