Monday, January 31, 2011

I was very sorry to learn of the passing of Dale Rupley of Mifflin over the weekend. Dale and his longtime companion Harry Kennedy lived at Second and North, and Dale assisted us at The Bare Wall for several months and at Pilchard & Price Pharmacy as well. (For you newcomers, that was where Aleco's is now located.) Both Dale and I were raging agoraphobics at the time, so we tried to support each other as best we could. Thankfully we never had an attack at the same time . . . I was sorry to learn that Garrason's Tavern on Forster Street is feeling the economic pinch. Perhaps I am partly to blame since we haven't eaten there in some time. We were pretty regular diners when it was owned by the Ulshes (Gary and sons--get it?) . . . By now you all know that The Bare Wall will be closed tomorrow. We are due at the hospital at 6 a.m. (I didn't even know such a time existed.) Jon Carfagno has agreed to post to this blog tomorrow if there is anything worth reporting and perhaps the next day as well, depending . . . Thanks to all of you for your prayers and best wishes . . .

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