Bob's family Christmas party was a great success despite the fact that a few usual attendees were suffering the flu and couldn't make it. The party continues tonight as Janet Reed, Angela Lawson and Lee Spitalny join us for our traditional "leftovers" dinner. Bring your appetites, ladies, for there sure is a lot to pick over . . . A reminder to those in the midtown and CAN areas that a revamped trash collection schedule goes into effect today and that our pick-up time is now Tuesday morning . . . Bargains, bargains, bargains. They can be had now as we attack the inventory chore with a vengeance. Please take advantage of these prices . . . We will be a little late opening on Wednesday; I have one of those in-office doctor "procedures" which is supposed to take only fifteen minutes. I respect the professionals but find their time table and my clock do not always operate in sync . . . Well, the great Polar Plunge is behind us for another year. Several neighbors "chickened out" or otherwise found legitimate (?) excuses--ain't that so, Eric?--so Mary Ann and Rick May were among those carrying the banner for CAN. Thanks, guys. Shall I ask the doc for cold medicine on my Wednesday visit? . . .
ReplyDeleteMary Ann and I raised over $500 dollars for the Humane Society and a total of over $52,000 was raised. We are looking forward to the next plunge to benefit the Special Olympics on February 5th. Come join us?