Happy Columbus Day! It was a beaut of a day . . . Catching up on some belated birthday wishes. They go out to Larry Kirkhuff (5th), Joel Turley (10th), and Chris Lingus (11th) . . . Joe Russian reported that the large plate glass window at The Brass Monkey tattoo parlor had been broken. Don't know if it was accidental or deliberate. Will try for additional information tomorrow . . . Scariest part of the Halloween season this year is not the costumes; it is the ghouls running for public office. I won't vent here--much as I would like to--but these poster boys and girls for the so-called Tea Party "right of the Right" are downright obnoxious. Wonder what mainstream Republicans are thinking these days . . . Eric and Joanne Webb spent part of the weekend kayaking on the river and discovered that the Conodoquinet was deep enough to explore this time out. A little way upstream they came across some arches along the banks that had no discernible reason for being there. Can anyone explain the original purpose? The area is currently being used by campers judging from the fire pit in the clearing beneath one of them . . . With all the muggings in our neighborhood these days Amy Hill recommends that we read a "how to protect ourselves" article on the PennLive.com pages today. This is the link to that site: http://blog.pennlive.com/life/2010/10/dont_be_a_victim_how_to_avoid.html. . . Only one of the tea lite pumpkins remains . . .
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