Another Indian Summer day. The Root Candle order did arrive late this afternoon, and we two old men lugged them in and opened all the cartons. We missed JJ; last year he insisted on bringing in the boxes and opening them himself. At least we didn't pause to sniff every candle jar as he had done. Some really nice scents this year--Enchanted Twilight, Oakmoss, Vanilla Cream, Japanese Cedar--plus all your favorites. The tumblers are still only $10 . . . Bob is having some furnace problems so he had to scurry up to the house when we finished. And just moments later the big coffee order arrived. You will have to wait until tomorrow for a report on that; it has not been unpacked yet . . . Angela Lawson and various family members met in Philly over the weekend for a theater outing. They saw The Jersey Boys and loved it . . . Missed greeting Amy Hill with a Happy Birthday several days back; but then she was celebrating in Oregon at the time and didn't miss it . . . During the past year I have often mentioned Jack Barnett and Dr. Bob Coldren's Shire-Max Inn in Provincetown, Ma. I am now pleased to report that their website is up and running so you can tour the rooms for yourself. The Internet address is http://shiremaxinn.com/home.html . . . Heard that Mickey and Elizabeth's Briggs Street home is back on the market. I thought it had been sold. No other details at the moment . . . Bob was quite taken with this decorated doorway in the 1600 block of North Second Street and ambled down to take this picture. I don't know about you, but I think I might just pass it by on trick-or-treat night. Spooky. Congratulations to those responsible . . . You might notice if you scroll down that I was curious enough about my readership to see how many check in here now and then. It would appear if I can trust my math (and that is spooky) that we entertain around 55 persons a day . . .
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