The promised pottery arrived this morning. The dragonfly pattern is quite pleasing and so is the price; except for a few larger pieces most are in the $25 range. The picture I attempted really doesn't do justice to the hand painting. Click on it to enlarge and you might get a better idea of it . . . Was so pleased to receive Jacquie Kirby Hensel's monthly Re/Max realty newsletter and to find an excellent plug for The Bare Wall. We have been friends for thirty years; she was a school teacher then, not the top realtor professional she is today, and did excellent needlework . . . I have been befuddled for a long time by the abbreviations that texters use in today's communications; that "language" is spreading to other media, leaving me to wonder what people are actually saying. Is that comment good, bad or indifferent? Well, thanks to Angela Lawson, I now have a "dictionary." If you are addled too, you can access it at http://www.webopedia.com/quick_ref/textmessageabbreviations.asp
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