More superior weather. It made my errands downtown all the more pleasant--the bank to pay on my store loan, City Hall to pick up our "Permit Parking" sticker, the post office for some stamps. It was also good to see Michael behind his counter at the Fulton Building selling his floral bouquets. He has suffered some medical problems lately as almost everyone knows . . . The chairs and tables were out on Restaurant Row, but all the exteriors should have had a good hosing down. Don't think I would enjoy my dinner with the remnants of the St. Patrick's Day pub crawl spattered all over the sidewalks . . . Outdoor cafes in Paris and Venice always look so romantic in films, though one wonders what havoc the pigeons might bring about were you there in person. I am afraid that "romantic" is not an adjective I would use to describe our venues . . . However, I think our restaurateurs are missing a bet by not installing a live streaming web cam on Second Street. Would be a cheap and effective way to promote themselves. I check in on Trafalgar Square in London quite frequently: http://camglobal16.camstreams.com/ . . . The cute little pillow would make a nice gift for the cat lover in your life. Just $18 . . .
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