No particular news from this quarter today. The greatest thing I did was to change a light bulb in the back room; next greatest was to work on a jigsaw puzzle. Bob handled the business . . . JJ's dad Eric responded to our plea for help in getting The Kid his birthday presents. Little did we or Eric know--- He expected a one-stop shopping trip but it turned out that Toys R Us is moving to a new location and the store was in the midst of a 70% off sale and what we wanted was sold out. Eric fled the bedlam and went to a mall where he got eyes on one item we wanted. Yes, it was in stock BUT - - - the game was being introduced at midnight in a Manhattan "sales event" so the store could not let him have it; he would have to return on Sunday. So off he went in search of our other items and we haven't heard from him since !!! . . . We now have a nice selection of blank journals in the $10-$15 range . . .
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