More graffiti in our neighborhood yesterday--bright green this time. The police have promised beefed up patrols in the area to combat this vandalism and the numerous muggings that have been occurring but if those patrols are in place they have been totally ineffective . . . Getting assistance from the force is almost an impossible thing. On occasion we will call for ticketing when a driver hogs the loading zone. Yesterday it took two calls and three hours to get an officer. Today it took two calls and all day and we never did see an officer. Well, that is another $15 the mayor lost for us . . . Received our first catalog promoting products for Christmas yesterday. Had already received one in early December showing costumes for Halloween. By the time JJ is a young man every holiday will be a yearlong celebration and we won't have to tuck anything back into the closet. We can just leave all our decorations up forever. Wonder how Easter, Halloween and Christmas will look together? . . . Could not believe West Virginia's incredible football win last night; also cannot believe that I sat through the whole thing . . . the inventory continues. Wish I could unload this cute fabric doll. I have two and would be happy to see them depart at $7 each . . .
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