Monday, September 19, 2011

Yesterday's "mystery" associated with the photograph has been partially solved. Jacquie Kirby Hensel, Lee Spitalny and a few others provided tidbits of info that I was able to put together. It would appear that the building on the left with the Star of David was used by Orthodox Jewish Women for a religious ritual called mikveh, an act of cleansing. I will not attempt to describe it here, but if you Goggle the word you can easily find information on the practice. It can also apply to Jewish men, I believe, if I was reading correctly. This building was abandoned for another further uptown, I was told. Now we still need to know about the edifice with the Byzantine cross . . . Bob and I are definitely getting old and are out of the cultural loop; when we read the names of the Emmy winners in this morning's paper we realized that we had never seen a single program among the winners and only one star's name was familiar. We both could have been great Jeopardy contestants at one time, but now the questions are so often devoted to pop culture ("Who had the top record album in 2002?") that we never could compete . . . And speaking of Bob, I do not think that I give him enough credit here as I should. He has been so supportive during this difficult year--helping in the store but also doing the shopping, the laundry, the cleaning, the cooking--on and on. I am so lucky . . .

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