Another soggy day and flooding is expected in Harrisburg and environs on Thursday. The Susquehanna is expected to exceed 20 feet but it could be much more . . . Our shipment of fabrics arrived from the West Coast today. Dish towel sets, sparkling crystals to decorate your formal table, candle holders, etc., a covered pie plate for your pumpkin treat, some Christmas items we won't show just yet. A lot of interesting new things to see . . . I reported here a few days ago that the fire company had responded to a home on North Street. I can now report that it was summoned to 224 North by the security system that detected a leak in a bathroom . . . Just ordered a selection of cookie cutters in holiday shapes that should be here within a week. I had hoped that Bob would do some baking so that we could share the end product with you, but he has already refused . . . The Friends of Midtown have announced the winners in their patio and garden landscaping contest. The winners as determined by two members of area garden clubs are: First Place: Jefferson Rougeau and Steven Creps, 1631 Green Street about which the judges said: "Multiple gardens. Fantastic patio gardens! Nice selection of plants with variety of color and texture staged at varying heights. All in immaculate condition. Nice water area and accessories." Second Place: Denise and Michael Williams, 2030 Green Street: "Multiple gardens, porch, patio, deck. Lush, beautiful potted plants on front porch. 3 very nice container gardens on upper deck." Third Place: Jeanette Townsend, 413 Boas Street: "Backyard garden. Peaceful space." Honorable Mention: Jeremiah Underhill and Annette McKimm, 414 Harris Street: "Variety garden, herbs, fruit trees, flowers." Special Recognition for Miniature Garden: Karilyn Kelly-O'Keefe and Miss Tinkerbell, 1702 1/64 Penn Street: "Appropriately sized plants and accessories." . . .