Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 3: the Ronn Saga---Ronn is in a "real" room, 606 Main Building. He's in a private room(don't know who he did what to get that) and coming along fairly well considering. He went for his first walk down the hall today(no minor task with all the stuff that needs to go along with him). He is not cranky yet, so he has a lot more recuperating to do! So far everyone at the hospital has been most accommodating and professional. The folks in the ICU were outstanding--caring and understanding, and everyone on the "floor" the same. It takes a certain kind of person to care for the sick, and my thanks goes off to them. I won't beleager(SP?) the point, but what's with this weather?

1 comment:

  1. Bob,
    Thanks for the updates and for the cookie. Yum!!!
