Fabulous weather continues . . . One great thing about this time of year is the way the shop smells when I enter to open. The candles and potpourri exude their fragrance and the place is aromatherapy heaven. Not quite the same once we have the heat on . . . Received a big box of new books which I will be telling you about in future posts. Some really interesting items. I might have to keep a copy of one, Personal Internet Address & Password Organizer ($7.95), since I can never remember which password I have used with a particular site; always sending an e-mail asking for my forgotten password . . . A belated Happy Birthday to Lee Spitalny who celebrated by buying a new red car. Sadly she got into a scrape with a low-slung planter and the planter won; needs some cosmetic fix-up . . . Thought I would again feature this pumpkin-shaped tureen since it fits the season so well. It is 7+ inches high and 8+ inches in diameter with ladle ($42.50) and would be grand filled with cider or one of the fifty soups featured in our new soup cookbook ($10.50) . . .
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