Thursday, September 30, 2010
Day-long heavy rains continue as I write. Fear of floods is well-founded. We spent the day dashing from smoke detector to smoke detector; humidity was the culprit . . . Received five over-sized paperback cryptic crossword puzzle books from England. Postage? Less than $4. I could not have sent them across town for that amount . . . John Goldsmith writes that, indeed, his film debut will be next Thursday when he is an extra in a movie . . . Copies of October's TheBurg are now available at The Bare Wall . . . Guess we owe a big "thank you" to Rep. Tim Solobay who was the victim of an attempted mugging a few nights ago. His traumatic experience even made the Patriot-News which has long ignored the numerous muggings that have plagued the city all summer. Today's paper reported on several of the incidents in our crime wave. It took a "notable" victim to get them off their duffs. Don't know what office he is currently running for but I would vote for Tim if I could. (He is from Washington County.) . . .
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Kevin Hancock celebrates his birthday tomorrow . . . Happy to add David Griffith as a friend on my Facebook page. Have known David for years; he was a Penn State football player way back when . . . City Council is at last stepping forward to fill the leadership void at city hall; about time. We wish them every success . . . Roving armed blacks, in gangs and alone, have been menacing the city daily for most of the summer. The guns involved frequently discharge accidentally or intentionally and many have been injured and a few killed. Very few of these events are reported by the Patriot News; I could fill the blog two or three times a week were I to report everything that crosses my desk. As far as I know Mayor Thompson has not addressed this growing problem in any fashion. She needs to step forward immediately . . . BUT the talk of the day is a victory of sorts for justice. Last night a legislator--a champion of volunteer fire companies--was returning to his uptown home near Bob's house and as he parked he was confronted by four blacks in hoodies with bad intentions. To shorten the story, he quickly crawled back into the car and as one pulled a gun the victim hit the fire siren that was mounted in the car. The perps fled, the police were summoned, and they caught two of the gang who were incarcerated . . . A lot of publicity has already occurred and more is surely to follow . . .
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Officer Butler of the Harrisburg Police Department retrieved a stash of credit cards, driver's license and other personal identification that one might carry from the boxwood hedge at 711 Green Street this afternoon. Efforts to contact the owner, an Allison Hill resident, were not immediately successful and no loss or theft report had been yet filed with the police. The officer surmised this could have been the contents of a purse through no handbag or cash were recovered . . . Perhaps a Harrisburg native will become a star though our Hollywood reporter was a bit sparse with his details. In an e-mail titled "Next Thursday" John Goldsmith, now living in Palm Springs, reports: "I will be an extra at the Riviera Hotel in "The Encore of Tony Duran", starring Elliott Gould. It is going to be an awards ceremony scene." I can only assume that filming is to be done next Thursday. Perhaps John will read this and provide further details . . . Tongues are wagging on and boy are they nasty since ex-Democratic mayor Steve Reed endorsed the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate. Many say this is "payback time" since the Dems did not provide him with a cushy job after his primary defeat last year. I am weary of politics already and we still have more than a month before the election. And if I get one more "I like the Faith and Family Values of Sarah Palin" message on my Facebook page I believe I may puke . . .
Monday, September 27, 2010
Happy Birthday to my sister . . . An all-day rain, much appreciated though it kept the customers away. Bob and I were pretty bored. (Bob wonders how a word that means "attractive" came to be used in this manner. We were not "attractively" bored) . . . An electrical glitch of less than a second this afternoon knocked out the microwave clock and my computer. The clock was easy but the computer wouldn't restart and had to do some self-repair. Working for the moment, thank heavens . . . Did finally receive the single bottle insulated wine carrier in a tweed pattern that comes with a corkscrew/opener in a special pocket. Already had it in solid black. $19. Nice gift for the BYOB crowd . . .
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hoped this cooler weather would chase away a persistent headache (almost everybody has one) but it didn't . . . Neighbors Craig and Sara are vacating their apartment next door and buying their first home in the 100 block of Reily Street . . . After last week's fracas on North Street that busted out the front door window, Jaime faced a couple of weeks with an ugly piece of plywood as a welcome. But the talented lady pulled out her paints and brushes and transformed the eyesore into a facsimile of "The Nightmare Before Christmas" logo . . . Working on another puzzle for my "recycled" collection. Have several available now at $1 to $3 . . .
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Another busy day. Hurrah, and thanks to all of you . . . Spent a delightful time this afternoon with two couples from North Carolina. They were having a Central Pennsylvania vacation primarily to see the Capitol Building. But they also visited York, the Civil War Museum, the New Cumberland Apple Festival and the Gratz Fair! (I have lived here since 1962 and I have never been to the last three!) AND they, too, had found that website touting the 10 best things to see in Harrisburg, so of course they stopped to visit us. Hope they found it a fun visit; maybe they will give us a good review . . . We are supposed to see cooler weather tomorrow and I for one will welcome it. No frost, no blizzard--just a return to our normal 70s . . .
Friday, September 24, 2010
Very nice business today despite the fact that the temp soared past 90. Thanks to all who came out; I need funds for my health insurance . . . Received a large shipment of books today including Monsters of Pennsylvania. Just in time for Halloween. Other titles deal with trees, amusement parks in the Commonwealth, hiking in the Poconos, and the underground railroad as it functioned in the state. A couple of cookbooks too and a new edition of the Breweries in Pennsylvania . . .
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Empty street, quiet day. No biz . . . Second floor apartment next door to The Bare Wall is now seeking tenants according to a sign in the window . . . The workmen were somewhat tight-lipped but they did confirm that a new eatery would be opening soon in the old Zephyr Express location . . . Trying my luck again by listing merchandise on Craig's List. Not particularly successful thus far . . .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Learned that there was another mugging in our neighborhood this morning. At 3:20 a.m. a couple was held up by an armed black man at North and Second. The woman was shoved to the ground and her purse taken . . . Despite JJ's questionable review of our children's books, they have caught the public's fancy and nearly half of the shipment has been sold. Will be reordering shortly . . .
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I was peppy and productive today and not just because the weather was terrific; I also got good news. Ronald Hoffman and his A-Team Construction crew from Dillsburg have agreed to undertake some minor repairs I need thanks to last winter's snows. Ron usually does not accept small jobs, so his coming to my rescue takes a load off my mind. The A-Team is responsible for the transformation at Amy and Doug's house opposite The Bare Wall, the now blue one that was once unsightly stucco. It is a lovely home and a big asset to the neighborhood and while Amy and Doug did a lot of work on their own, it was Ron who supervised the entire project. My little problems should be a snap . . . Talked at length with Jaime, the apartment tenant unexpectedly involved in the fracas of a few nights ago but she was unable to shed much light on the incident. She agreed that the stories were conflicting and that piecing together the facts eluded even her. She can say for certain that her son has a big swelling on his noggin which he got when confronting the men involved. She does not rest easy since the gang said they would be "back to get her" and although the door is now boarded up it will be two weeks or so before the window pane will be ready for installation. All this for just sitting at home and minding one's own business. But she said she has seen an increased police presence since the event . . . The space above the bar portion of the old Zephyr Express has been restored to the original two-bedroom apartment and is now for rent. Rumor has again surfaced that the eatery will become a pizza parlor. We have heard that before . . . The charming Dancing Cat statue stands 17 inches high and sells for $62.00. It can be used indoors or out but I cannot imagine anyone relegating it to the patio . . .
Monday, September 20, 2010
Called the police department and added my voice to others in the neighborhood complaining about the slow response time to last night's incident. I am still uncertain about just what happened other than the screams and yelling which was heard over a block away. My neighbor who was present the whole time for the aftermath was eavesdropping on the various stories told to police by those involved and he felt that somehow the stories did not mesh well. It was his assumption that the men, drunk or drugged, were accosting the women without the intent to rob but that the situation escalated beyond their intention when neighbors came to the women's defense. (It may have taken a long time for the police to arrive, but imagine what they go through on occasions like this when the stories don't match up; just what do we expect of them? Certainly this happens more often than we would like to think.) So I apologize for my poor reporting, but it is probably more than you will get from the Pat-News. No one was seriously hurt in the incident and I am told that the broken window in the door has been repaired.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Four presumed Hispanic males assaulted two young women at Green and North this evening about nine o'clock. Their screams attracted the neighbors' attention (including me) and the police department was flooded with calls. The two girls frantically pounded on the door of an apartment building and a tenant came to their assistance and was struck by one of the assailants. The glass in the door was also shattered by one of the perps. The four fled, two up Green Street and two up Oliver Alley, but not before threatening the apartment tenants: "We'll be back for you" or something such. Despite the fact that there have been numerous muggings in this area in recent weeks and despite the plethora of calls for help, we still had no response from the police department forty minutes later (when I left the scene to file this report). Such a response time is totally unacceptable and reflects on the current administration at City Hall . . . More tomorrow or later depending on circumstances . . .
Wasted the whole day and now at this late hour I am feeling guilty. A lot that should have been done hasn't even been started. Angela from TheBurg is going to be screaming tomorrow for my October ad and I haven't given it a moment's thought yet . . . Bob who with his long theater history can be critical of shows he attends has nothing but praise for Theatre Harrisburg's production of The Taffetas which he and Ang Lawson saw last night. He has raved on with so much enthusiasm and detail that I almost feel I was there myself. He did have one complaint, however--the house was not a sell-out and it should have been standing room only for such a delightful cast . . .
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Truly beautiful day, just what we hope for in autumn. Unfortunately, everyone enjoyed the weather and not a soul ventured inside the store . . . Angela Lawson and Bob are having a night at the theatre. They are attending Theatre Harrisburg's production of The Taffetas while I linger behind to watch football and work on my puzzle . . . One should know better than to ask a youngster for his opinion; he tells it like he sees it. After waxing enthusiastic about our new children's books (which I blogged earlier) I asked JJ for a review. He gave them a cursory glance. "They look kinda old," he said and went right back to his bag of M&Ms . . .
Friday, September 17, 2010

Breezy day with no news to report. Big neighborhood question: Why are there barricades stacked along North Street? Is there to be an event tomorrow that none of us has heard of? . . . Among our new arrivals this week is a collection of postcard books, each with 30 cards at a price of $9.95. We have restocked the popular wine poster cards and have added several new titles. The Halloween book reproduces a lot of old-fashioned greetings . . .
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Very happy for the much needed rain that came our way today though it kept our customers home . . . Maybe they were watching the Pope's visit to Glasgow, Scotland. The turn-out was smaller than for the most recent papal visit and while I don't wish to belittle Catholics in any manner, I do have to wonder how many turned out for the Pope and how many for an appearance by Susan Boyle. We Subo fans are fanatics, as you well know . . . And sticking with the religious theme I am sorry to report that the spaghetti supper originally scheduled for Saturday evening at the Harris Street Church has been canceled. We were planning to attend. The event will be rescheduled in the spring according to the pastor . . . Got still more new product today that I will have to tell you about. For starters, there is a collection of 16-page children's books that retail for $9.95 each. These familiar tales are colorfully illustrated with original old-fashioned pictures which are sure to delight. My picture does not do them justice. (Click to enlarge.) And these shaped books aren't as small as they look. They average around 12 inches tall--some bigger, a few smaller. Three Little Pigs, Three Little Kittens, Hansel and Greta, and several others including A Visit to Santa Claus. Must be seen to be appreciated . . .
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fabulous weather continues . . . One great thing about this time of year is the way the shop smells when I enter to open. The candles and potpourri exude their fragrance and the place is aromatherapy heaven. Not quite the same once we have the heat on . . . Received a big box of new books which I will be telling you about in future posts. Some really interesting items. I might have to keep a copy of one, Personal Internet Address & Password Organizer ($7.95), since I can never remember which password I have used with a particular site; always sending an e-mail asking for my forgotten password . . . A belated Happy Birthday to Lee Spitalny who celebrated by buying a new red car. Sadly she got into a scrape with a low-slung planter and the planter won; needs some cosmetic fix-up . . . Thought I would again feature this pumpkin-shaped tureen since it fits the season so well. It is 7+ inches high and 8+ inches in diameter with ladle ($42.50) and would be grand filled with cider or one of the fifty soups featured in our new soup cookbook ($10.50) . . .
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010

Beautiful day. Received a small order of new cookbooks to tempt your kitchen expertise. Bob is the family chef and he says they look pretty good to him. One features beer and another "no-bake" cookies and other treats . . . Hear there was a mugging after 2 a.m. Saturday morning at Briggs and Susquehanna. Three youths attacked two men, injuring one. A club doorman in the vicinity gave chase and cornered two of the culprits. A third, since identified, is being sought by police . . . Bill Schweigler of Steelton celebrates his birthday tomorrow . . . We have five sets of these charming tin pumpkin ornaments at $7 per set. Very nicely done . . .
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lousy weather today for Gallery Walk. Much smaller crowd than usual, but we had a nice visit with Peter and Angela Durantine who, with Larry Binda, are responsible for TheBurg . . . Jack Barnett and Bob Coldren back home from Provincetown . . . These gray days just scream out for some candlelight. I lit up. We still have a few Root Candle jars in the old packaging which we are offering with a $2 discount. The new fall selection will be coming soon . . . The state has accelerated its expected payments to the city which, in the short term, will keep us solvent. But we are just getting our money early; this is no bailout . . . The mayor has called for an end to "petty politics"without making a commitment to give it up herself. She could easily bring an end to the conflict with city council if she chose to do so . . . Here is our collection of Emerson Pottery which is made and hand-painted in Virginia. Took this photo a week ago so a few pieces may no longer be available . . .
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Post #444 . . . Our ad in TheBurg for "wine lover gifts" attracted business today. Looks like I will have to order more product . . . Sarah and Eric brought us a big slab of Walker's Toffee from England and it comes with a little hammer to break up the brick. JJ had a great time pounding away but he was less pleased when he finally got a piece in his mouth. "This stuff is hard," he said. M&Ms are more his style . . . Does anyone remember those hunks of "coal" we got in our childhood. It was black licorice candy and came with a similar hammer to break up the rock. Do they still make that? . . . Only Men Aloud, the Welsh award-winning choir, has just released another album (we missed them on PBS) so Bob and I went to YouTube to listen to some of their music. There are dozens of clips to choose from. They will be touring the U.S. next year; they are still Only Men Aloud at home and in Europe but because of America's "sensibilities" they have to drop the "Only" and will be known as Men Aloud when they tour here. We are so-o-o-o-o ridiculous. The choir's success has inspired a lot of youth at home and there now are Only Boys Aloud and Only Girls Aloud choirs . . . and I have just learned that JJ is looking forward to a career as a chorus boy on Broadway. Today he was shopping for tap shoes for dancing class. ! ! !
Friday, September 10, 2010
Another fall day so I took my own advice and had a cup of hot cider. I like the cranberry apple, but the caramel apple seems to be your favorite . . . I don't want this blog to be political, but it is impossible to ignore some of the hi-jinx at city hall these days . . . While commenting on the recent robberies of students on their way to school, the mayor suggested each kid carry a can of mace with them. Now, would school security allow these into school in the first place and if so can you imagine the chaos inside when a couple of students get into a cat fight as so often occurs? . . . Then someone leaked a letter allegedly from the mayor's campaign manager and/or his law firm which has benefited from city contracts in the past. Supposedly a major effort is underway to unseat members of city council who are "hostile" to the mayor. The effort will be to "energize" the mayor's "base" and to elect person's she can support--or, most probably, those who will support her . . . I'm really dismayed by the Supreme Court's decision that permits corporations to fund political campaigns. Our election is being "bought" by outsiders like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. This just isn't "the American way"--or has it become so? . . . I am so naive . . .
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Street was empty today, plenty of parking spaces. I guess people took a late vacation to extend the holiday weekend. Weather breezy and mostly overcast. Fall is definitely in the wind, so our cider and hot chocolate packets are back on the shelves. Three of your choice for $2.50. Yummy . . . Rain (which we need) is predicted for Sunday. Unfortunately that is also Gallery Walk day. We still plan to be open for the crowds and Jacquie Kirby Hensel will be showing the house at 1401 North Front Street; a lot of other venues will be open--all for free. Just bring an umbrella and enjoy . . .
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Breezy day but few people on the street. Must thank Mary Ann Furedi May and Pat Smith for the fresh produce . . . Remember that our remaining collection of "Reflections in Silver" sterling jewelry is on sale at 25% off . . . There was some coverage on TV of the CAN meeting last night mostly devoted to the crime wave in Midtown. To my knowledge, however, the mayor has yet to speak out on the matter and apparently the Patriot-News hasn't heard about it yet. We just do not have a "hometown" newspaper any longer. I'm pleased that the sheet wins "lay-out" awards but I would be happier if the reporting was the major thing on their minds . . . Several students were robbed this morning in the McDevitt/John Harris area by two black males alleged to have been armed with a gun. A property maintenance man also was assaulted in the same area . . . The crime spree continues. Everyone, please be careful and report ANYTHING suspicious . . .
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Most of the day was taken up by conversations about the roving black gangs in the neighborhood particularly after we received the police press release that is reproduced below. CAN will be meeting tonight at St. Michael's on State Street and this situation promises to be in the forefront of the discussions . . . Ron Veitch sent this link to The World Clock site. Give it a try. There is a lot of info that should settle a lot of arguments.
The following report has just been received from the police department via Matt Simmons:
Type of Incident: Robbery – 6 Midtown incidents
Date / Time: 09-05-2010 @ 0200 hrs. to 09-06-2010 @ 1715 hrs.
. .
On 09-05-2010 at about 0200 hrs. a W/M/46 was walking in the 1400 block of N. 2nd St. and was confronted by a black male wearing a ski mask and brandishing a handgun. The robber demanded the victim’s valuables. The robber got very close to the victim and the victim shoved him and ran. The robber left without taking anything from the victim.
On 09-05-201 at about 2210 hrs. a W/M/35 was walking near Penn and Briggs Sts. when he was surrounded by about 6 to 8 black males. The robbers knocked him to the ground, punched and kicked him and stole money and a cell phone.
.On 09-05-2010 at about 2220 hrs. a W/M/25, W/F/23, and another W/F/23 were walking in the 1700 block of Green St. They were surrounded by 6 to 8 black males. The robbers demanded money and cell phones, took them and casually walked away.
On 09-06-2010 at about 0115 hrs. a W/M/37 was walking in the 200 block of Briggs St. and was confronted by a black male. The robber demanded money. The victim gave hi cash and the robber left. No weapon was displayed.
On 09-06-2010 at about 0230 hrs. a W/M/33 and W/F/25 were walking in the 700 block of Green St. when he was confronted by e black males. One robber brandished a handgun. The robbers took the victim’s wallet and cell phone. (The time was 1:30 a.m. and a gun was discharged—Ronn’s note.)
On 09-06-2010 at about 1715 hrs. a B/M/22 was walking in the 1700 block of Fulton St. and was confronted by about 6 black males. One robber pulled a single barrel shotgun from his pant leg and pointed it at the victim while demanding money. The victim told the group that he didn’t have anything and raised his arms while backing away. He turned and walked off while keeping his arms raised. Another robber pressed a gun to his head and demanded that he stop. The victim kept moving and kept his arms up. The robber with the shotgun pressed the barrel to the victim’s side and demanded that he stop. Other people saw what was happening and called for police. Responding officers caught two of the robbers.
Kwashawn Brooks, B/M/18, from the 500 block of Curtin St. – charged with Robbery & Conspiracy.
Juvenile, B/M/13, from the 600 block of Emerald St. – charged with Robbery & Conspiracy. He is being placed in the Schaffner Juvenile Detention Center.
The investigation continues and anyone having any information on this is asked to contact Sgt. Dennis Sorensen at 717-255-6586 or email
The following report has just been received from the police department via Matt Simmons:
Type of Incident: Robbery – 6 Midtown incidents
Date / Time: 09-05-2010 @ 0200 hrs. to 09-06-2010 @ 1715 hrs.
. .
On 09-05-2010 at about 0200 hrs. a W/M/46 was walking in the 1400 block of N. 2nd St. and was confronted by a black male wearing a ski mask and brandishing a handgun. The robber demanded the victim’s valuables. The robber got very close to the victim and the victim shoved him and ran. The robber left without taking anything from the victim.
On 09-05-201 at about 2210 hrs. a W/M/35 was walking near Penn and Briggs Sts. when he was surrounded by about 6 to 8 black males. The robbers knocked him to the ground, punched and kicked him and stole money and a cell phone.
.On 09-05-2010 at about 2220 hrs. a W/M/25, W/F/23, and another W/F/23 were walking in the 1700 block of Green St. They were surrounded by 6 to 8 black males. The robbers demanded money and cell phones, took them and casually walked away.
On 09-06-2010 at about 0115 hrs. a W/M/37 was walking in the 200 block of Briggs St. and was confronted by a black male. The robber demanded money. The victim gave hi cash and the robber left. No weapon was displayed.
On 09-06-2010 at about 0230 hrs. a W/M/33 and W/F/25 were walking in the 700 block of Green St. when he was confronted by e black males. One robber brandished a handgun. The robbers took the victim’s wallet and cell phone. (The time was 1:30 a.m. and a gun was discharged—Ronn’s note.)
On 09-06-2010 at about 1715 hrs. a B/M/22 was walking in the 1700 block of Fulton St. and was confronted by about 6 black males. One robber pulled a single barrel shotgun from his pant leg and pointed it at the victim while demanding money. The victim told the group that he didn’t have anything and raised his arms while backing away. He turned and walked off while keeping his arms raised. Another robber pressed a gun to his head and demanded that he stop. The victim kept moving and kept his arms up. The robber with the shotgun pressed the barrel to the victim’s side and demanded that he stop. Other people saw what was happening and called for police. Responding officers caught two of the robbers.
Kwashawn Brooks, B/M/18, from the 500 block of Curtin St. – charged with Robbery & Conspiracy.
Juvenile, B/M/13, from the 600 block of Emerald St. – charged with Robbery & Conspiracy. He is being placed in the Schaffner Juvenile Detention Center.
The investigation continues and anyone having any information on this is asked to contact Sgt. Dennis Sorensen at 717-255-6586 or email
Monday, September 6, 2010
A Terrible Night
Bob decided to forgo the fireworks and left me to work on my jigsaw puzzle. (My last two “bargain” puzzles each had one piece missing; drat.) . . . Moments after the aerial extravaganza, some kind of outdoor entertainment began for the “p-ss and puke” crowd downtown. Although I am six blocks from the action it sounded as if it was next door. Friends on Cumberland Street and even ones in the Waterford Apartments in Wormleysburg were disturbed as well. I called the police department twice; on the second call a harried dispatcher said they had been inundated with calls but apparently there was no one with any authority to act. The “entertainment” (for which read racket) went on until after 2 a.m. . . . About 1:30 a.m. two people were robbed at gunpoint just steps from my front door. The gun—deliberately or accidentally?—went off after the fact, and it was LOUD. Officers came to investigate some time later and found the shell casing, their only “lead.” Hope to learn more details. This is the third or fourth late-night mugging in our neighborhood in the past few weeks . . . Hours earlier Matt Simmons e-mailed CAN residents that there had been two recent daylight burglaries in the 800 block of North Second Street. You may recall that the same happened in the 700 block of North Second just a few weeks ago . . . The quality of life certainly has deteriorated in the city since the new administration took over and the Patriot-News appears to be oblivious to the situation. None of these incidents make the paper anymore. In the “fondly remembered old days” Mayor Reed and Chief Keller would have attacked the situation head on with undercover officers in our area around the clock . . . Perhaps Matt or others with those e-mail lists of Council members and the Pat-News will send along this entry. It is time we make our voices heard . . . Amy and Doug Hill spent part of their weekend hiking on the Appalachian Trail . . . Kim and Erica spent the holiday at the shore and brought Bob and me a big canister of caramel popcorn. Eric and Joanne did their kayak thing . . . Also we were blessed with some treats from Ron Veitch’s kitchen . . .
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Nice. Cooler, but smaller crowds for Kipona, though long lines at the food stands, I am told. Interesting crafts, heavy on jewelry . . . Good news from friends on Cape Cod: Hurricane Earl was a lamb on arrival; the nor'easter a few weeks ago was more destructive. Anchors on The Weather Channel seemed dispirited; they were prepared to report the worst and all their preparations were for naught . . .
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cooler (thankfully) but very breezy. We could not put out our table of sale stuff; didn't feel like chasing it up and down the street . . . Weather brought out a big crowd for Kipona and we had nice traffic in the store. I went to the St. Michael's gigantic yard sale and found a stack of jigsaw puzzles, thanks to Guy Kehler. John and Susan Wesley were among the church members cooking up a pot of chili . . . It was nice to find most people in a cheerful mood . . . We are still planning to be open Sunday and Monday for a few hours starting about 1 p.m. . . . Here is another table in the store; this one features "bear motif" items . . .
Friday, September 3, 2010

Supposedly the last HOT day for a while. Please let it be so . . . Major traffic jam downtown this morning as drivers tried to cope with the closure of Front Street for Kipona preparations . . . Nice dinner last night with Mark Stevens; chef Bob outdid himself . . . Setting up my own in-store Flea Market with mark-down merchandise--those leftovers of this and that at excellent prices; we need room for all the new stuff . . . Sarah and Eric Battisti safely on the ground and in Pennsylvania after five days in London. Looking forward to hearing all about it. They sent me this picture of Trafalgar Square . . . Have a safe and happy holiday. At the moment we plan to be open for a few hours both Sunday and Monday so drop by if you are downtown . . .
Thursday, September 2, 2010
HOT again . . . Nice visit from Suzi Marsico this morning; thanks, Suzi . . . Learned there was a mugging on Briggs Street toward Third Tuesday night about 11:30 p.m.; two men in ski masks armed with a gun and a knife. Neighbor was parking his car. Phone and cash taken . . . Remember that Front Street will be closed beginning Friday morning at 9 . . . Several friends are headed for Cape Cod and Nantucket this weekend; hope Hurricane Earl doesn't spoil their plans . . . Lee Spitalny is car shopping . . . St. Michael's Church on State Street is having its annual flea market Friday and Saturday beginning at 8 a.m. Got some nice bargains and baked goods there last year . . . Tomorrow night there will be free hot dogs and hamburgers at Harris Street Church. You may recall I mentioned the monthly event last month . . . I know of a great ready-to-move-into house with nice yard for sale in our neighborhood. Price recently reduced to $169,000. Check with Jacquie Kirby Hensel at Re/Max, 761-6300. Rental might also be a possibility with proper credentials and deposit . . . Please, Mr. Weatherman: Make good on your promise for a cooler weekend . . .
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

TheBurg reports that major renovations are being made at 704 Bar, the former Strawberry, on North Third Street. For those of you out-of-towners you can read the full story at the paper's website . . . Copies of the Central Voice issue for September/October are now available at The Bare Wall. Lead story alleges that State Police beat a York gay man severely back in 2008. The troopers will be defended by Governor-wannabe Corbett's office . . . Friends visiting London sent us pictures of Tower Bridge and Trafalgar Square. Will tell you who when they return; we never advertise houses that may be empty . . . I really like our growing collection of items with a pine cone motif. Now if they would just make us forget that the temps are in the 90s . . . That pesky floor candlestick that no one seems to want got an offer when I posted it on Facebook today. Just not sure how serious the offer was; the bidder is known as a sort of prankster . . .
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