Chopped what ice I could from the back of the house. Don't know whether that helped or not . . . Thought it felt a bit chilly when I came back inside so went down in the basement to check water levels in the furnace to discover that a pipe had sprung a leak and the boiler was near empty. I must bless George from H. L. Bowman's plumbers for coming immediately to give things a look. He couldn't make an immediate repair (tomorrow, hopefully) but was able to get me a little heat and to show me what to do in the meanwhile. Won't freeze, but will be quite chilly this evening . . . Cannot develop an interest in anything, especially the taxes which I was planning to do on my "day off." Did start a puzzle and watched as the snow began . . . JJ and Cecilia have found a cure for their cabin fever. They have been "hanging out" at Barnes & Noble . . .
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