A somewhat disappointing day with only two customers. Yesterday was wild by comparison as everyone was celebrating Bob's birthday . . . Started a new Cornell Woolrich novel (best known, I suppose, for Rear Window, thanks to Hitchcock, Stewart, Kelly, Ritter and Burr). If you are cleaning out your bookshelves and plan to discard any Woolrich titles by all means send them my way . . . Godson JJ, the not-yet-four computer Wiz, was back at the keyboard last night. He has his own folders on the desktop and we're trying to teach him not to nose into other people's files. I have visions of all the store data suddenly becoming a victim of the "delete" button . . . JJ has also discovered the delights of the digital camera. And he is pretty good at it having been more or less "self-taught" by observation . . . Give the kids a button to push and they will re-program everything. Our telephone, radio, TV and short wave set have already felt the touch of inquisitive fingers . . . You hold your breath when JJ says "I can do it" at the computer and then gape in surprise when he can . . .
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