The Fates are conspiring to scuttle my boat. First a snowstorm on what should have been The Bare Wall's biggest day of the year and now a major gas leak in the next block that has closed our street . . . Hello, retirement! . . . Happy to report that Eric's beloved glove has come home again . . . Angela Lawson has all the kids giddy with excitement. She has given them a packet of glitter mixed with oatmeal. All they need to do tomorrow night is to scatter it on the lawn or sidewalk and Santa's reindeer are sure to flock to it. Bob's neighbors Felix and Sabrina can hardly wait for the moment to sprinkle their bait . . . JJ looked like a proper English gentleman for his trip to The Residence; the Governor even had a present for him . . . we have received a lot of hokey Christmas e-mails over the past several weeks, but none is as much fun as this one from Lee Spitalny: http://www.sundog.net/carolofthechins/flash/card.swf . . . just type in a song title and the kids will sing it to you--maybe. It is even fun when they don't know the tune . . . My favorite is The Twelve Days of Christmas . . .
LOL! "God bless us all, each and every one!"