Happy birthday to Angela Lawson; she is 39 again today--or was that 49? . . . Our "French" lady, Yvonne Brown, (actually Belgian) and daughters Claire Pennington and Ann Duncan from Ohio, came shopping bearing tasty bread from Wegman's; yummy . . . the orange day-glo sidewalk vandalism rumored to be the work of a well-meaning individual marking perceived irregularities in the sidewalk; honorable intentions, but the markings do deteriorate the neighborhood and hopefully do not attract other graffiti taggers . . . Neighbors gathered at Rick and Mary Ann's last night for a patio party; such an attractive space. Amazing how city dwellers can with a little creativity enjoy the out-of-doors. The oasis pictured is on the sidewalk in the 200 block of North . . .
Thanks to all who stopped by, brought food and drinks, and enjoyed the evening with us. We had a great time. We really do have a great neighborhood. Bob Murray's strobe light shots were a big hit.