Many ghosts and goblins are prowling the Harrisburg streets tonight. All seem to be enjoying their Halloween celebration. Most of the snow that fell this weekend has disappeared though there are still wet sidewalks . . . The Mechanicsburg weather site mentioned yesterday is being managed by pharmacist Ed Maff . . . Spent the day ordering gift wrap supplies and boxes for the store. Unfortunately, wrapping paper no longer comes in the thirty inch width we have been used to for nearly forty years, so if the box is over-sized the paper will have to be pieced from now on . . . You are beginning to respond to the sale cards that finally got into the mail. Thanks. Remember you still have nearly two weeks to save . . .
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Took a quick jaunt around the neighborhood this morning. Snow melting was already in progress and I saw more squishy pumpkins in one hour than I had seen in my seventy-five years. Several smaller limbs had broken off various trees but I saw no major destruction . . . Spent most of the day cat-napping in front of the TV and am now feeling guilty . . . Bob did what he could to prepare for fall and winter. The big spider plants that graced his front porch all summer were taken down and offered to any passer-by for free; both walked away when we weren't looking. The hibiscus plant which he harassed all summer because it wouldn't bloom got chopped up and stuffed into a garbage bag . . . Those of you living in the Mechanicsburg area now have a new eye on the weather. You can get your current stats at . . . Not sure that I am to reveal who is maintaining the site; will check further and let you know . . .
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Closed in the midst of the snow storm at one o'clock anticipating an afternoon of football. Got home to find that there was a power outage uptown. Sabrina and Felix thought that was neat since Uncle Bob had put a small safety lantern in their trick-or-treat buckets and now they had light when no one else did . . . Power came back on at three-thirty and just in time for the Penn State game . . . The Weather Channel heart throb Jim Cantore was broadcasting from the Capitol in Harrisburg; Mayor Thompson promised him she had everything under control . . . TheBurg for November is now available. Hope all readers notice our ad . . .
Friday, October 28, 2011

A belated happy birthday to Ann Duncan of Beavercreek, Ohio. I missed it by two days Ann always comes shopping at The Bare Wall when visiting her parents, Yvonne and Wes Brown, in Mechanicsburg . . . Today was my day at the hospital and in general it went well. It is practically my second home these days and I was pleased and surprised at the number of nurses and other personnel who greeted me by name. The stent to the kidney was repaired without having to go in through my back and it was performed by Dr. Edwards, my first encounter with him. At our initial interview he noticed I was working English Cryptic Puzzles from The Daily Telegraph; he raised an eyebrow and began to speak and it was immediately evident that he was a Brit. From the Lake District, it turns out, and since I am an Anglophile of sorts we had a jolly long-winded conversation that probably put the hospital schedule a half hour behind . . . All this was followed by the bad news. I came home starved and gulped the salad Bob had waiting for me. Looking for a sweet to compliment it, my eye fell on the aforementioned caramel popcorn. Seconds later I bit down on an unpopped kernel and broke a tooth off my dental plate. Hasten in to talk with a good-looking Hillbilly . . . Snow is predicted for tomorrow so Bob brought up the shovels in the hopes that they would scare it off . . . I am promoting this cookbook for holiday giving. It has recipes but is really a history of American food through the 1900s. It tells when some of our basic dishes were first introduced and what and when kitchen appliances were introduced. It is a wonderful compliment to the other two histories of the century that I told you about earlier--Christmas Memories and Twentieth Century Memories . .
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Went trick-or-treating with JJ and Cecilia in Camp Hill tonight. The weather was misty and raw but the kids didn't seem to notice; unlike previous years when JJ admired the decorations but ignored the treats he eagerly filled his basket and absolutely refused to share anything with me. What a difference a year makes . . . I was somewhat surprised to see so many older kids in the crowds that thronged the streets . . . Bob and I shared some cake with the family in honor of Sarah Battisti whose birthday is tomorrow . . . I will be mostly on my own tomorrow at the hospital; the last time Bob went with me and in effect wasted several hours just sitting. He plans to keep the store open for as long as possible (closing only to pick me up after the procedure); frankly, we can use the income . . . The post cards announcing the sale are finally in the mail. If you don't get one you are not on our mailing list. Send us an e-mail and we will add your name . . . It is not too early to plan some of your holiday baking (using our cookie cutters, of course) so you might enjoy our Cookies for Santa book, just $12.95 . . .
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

As I feared, the visit with Dr. Dowling was a harbinger of unpleasant things to come. The x-rays showed that the stent at the kidney may indeed have slipped, so it is back to surgery on Friday--arrive at eleven for a one o'clock appointment. This will be the fourth time in a little over two months that I have been on the table for this same procedure to save a kidney. My mental state definitely is deteriorating . . . surprise: the post card announcing the sale is at the printer! As you can see from the above, the dates of the anniversary celebration have been extended . . . This trivet has a pithy saying and a cork backing; should be a hit at your next wine tasting. Three on hand, $13 each . . .
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
My thanks to Lelia and Tyler Simmons for the caramel popcorn . . . "IT" hit the fan this afternoon. All that stuff we had on order just poured off the UPS truck. What fun trying to find a place for it all--music boxes, children's books, cookbooks, ship's bells. Still a lot of reorganization to do before it is properly displayed . . . The golfer bookends pictured on the blog recently have already been sold . . . A car break-in on Prince Street (also known as Love Alley) may have been facilitated by the fact that our city public works department had not gotten around to replacing the burned out street light despite several calls from residents . . . Saw Doctor Dowling this morning for a little chat and check up. There is a possibility that the stent to my kidney may have been dislodged; had an x-ray to make the determination but the doc hasn't gotten back to me yet. Oh, please, not another trip to the operating room. I've got too much to take care of--still haven't mailed those pesky post card announcing our anniversary sale. At this rate the markdowns will continue until Thanksgiving! . . .
Monday, October 24, 2011
A quiet day on the storefront. Continued to dig through the closets for items I may have forgotten about. We have received so much merchandise lately that I fear much of it may have been misplaced . . . Loved the story in today's newspaper; just how stupid can our politicians get. Around the world those Occupy Wall Street demonstrations are calling for a more level playing field and fewer perks for the rich. But up on the Hill our politicos want to remove any sales tax from repair and purchase of private airplanes--sure, there is one in every garage and we will all benefit from this exemption. Ha! . . . the sentinels on Forster Street continue to don coats of fall colors . . .
Sunday, October 23, 2011
A foggy morning, almost spooky since I encountered no one on my walk. The day brightened considerably later . . . Answer to yesterday's trivia question was Niagara Falls and several e-mailed with that response . . . Second Street was closed about one p.m. for an hour or so at Calder because of a fire at the laundromat there. I looked through the window and it appeared that a blaze may have broken out in a dryer . . . What is left of me is seventy-five today and I thank all of you who sent me goodies and well-wishes. Bob made me a strip steak and pineapple upside down cake. Sarah Battisti of Camp Hill will celebrate her birth date on Friday and our friend John Goldsmith in Palm Springs will party on Saturday . . . Have my next consultation with the doctor on Tuesday. Please, no more scans for the immediate future . . . Still have not mailed the anniversary sale cards so I suspect we will extend the discount period for another week . . . This cheese tray has a condiment bowl and magnetic strip to hold the various utensils. Very handsome addition to your party buffet. $32 . . .
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Brisk and gloomy day with the sun breaking through momentarily a little after five . . . Just read that Santorum pledges to fight same sex marriage if he is nominated and elected to the presidency. He will also outlaw any form of contraception, or so he says. This definitely is the silly season . . . Bob and I were looking seriously at the Republican candidates for city council and were giving them every consideration, but today we received a mailing from them blaming the "gang of four" for the city's financial condition. Well, that sunk their ship so far as we are concerned; another Linda "blame game" group is something we do not need these days . . . Asked Eric W. a trivia question today: Which US landmark is forever moving backward? His response: The Supreme Court. He might have a point. Do you know the answer? . . . This set of bookends is the perfect gift for the serious golfer. The pieces are quite heavy and sell for $55 . . .
Friday, October 21, 2011
JJ's soccer game was the best this season even though we lost. The kids on both teams were really into the action and so were the friends and parents on the sidelines. Hopping up and down did help us to keep warm. Got quite nippy and there was a wind. The last few minutes were played in near darkness . . . City Hall announced today that the holiday parade has been cancelled because the Parks Department head didn't find enough sponsors. Her handmaidens are just as incompetent as the mayor, it seems. Might not have fire works for New Year's Eve, it was stated. This after turning our Fourth of July celebration into a fiasco and Kipona into a pale shadow of its former self. We sorely miss Mayor Reed despite his couple of missteps . . . Have you noticed how most rosebushes have lost their leaves and a few canes have become tall and spindly with one last determined bloom on top? Guess this is the "last rose of summer" we have all heard about. This one is on North Second Street . . .
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Forgot to mention last night that the East Shore Public Library book sale began today and continues through Saturday, so grab some bargains to fill your long winter evenings. So many people are "going electronic" with their reading that the paper book is probably in peril. Bob jokes that in the future one will point to a couple of these devices on the shelf and announce that his library now contains ten thousand volumes. That makes me wonder: are the bookends I am selling about to become collectible antiques? . . . Root Candles arrived today in time for you to stock up during the anniversary sale . . . Read today that a group has plans to turn a major part of Reservoir Park into a farm to raise vegetables and chickens. Apparently there are some members of city council that are taking this suggestion seriously! Maybe not a bad idea if council can sell produce and eggs to fight the financial shortfall we are facing. Would Piccola approve, I wonder. But then, can you imagine attending MacBeth at Shakespeare in the Park with chickens cackling in the background, competing with the cackling witches . . . This big pumpkin and bales of straw welcome you to the Governor's Mansion this fall but no word yet as to whether or not the Corbetts will be greeting trick-or-treaters. The Rendells were wonderful neighbors to those living in the area . . .
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Gray, rainy and turning colder, almost raw. That certainly brought our flourishing business to a halt today. No, I didn't go for my customary mile walk . . . Received a new shipment of wine-related items today: a new cork cage/bottle holder in the shape of a woman's boot ($27.50); glittery gold stars confetti to scatter on your festive table ($2.25 pkg.); our popular cheese server with magnetic strip to hold the utensils and a condiment dish ($32); cocktail napkins with a poinsettia motif ($3 pkg.) and on and on . . . It is Wednesday night so JJ's soccer coaches are determined to hold a practice; unfortunately there was quite a downpour here at five thirty p.m. . . . The setting sun on Peffer Street highlights the already fading fall foliage. Too bad that the office folks across the street don't hide their dumpster in the parking lot behind the bushes. Such a small gesture would make the neighborhood even more attractive . . .
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Another beautiful day, but the last for a while if we are to believe the weathermen. The store was very busy; I am so happy that you are taking advantage of our sale prices . . . I did slip away for a bit to view the Earl Blust painting exhibit at the Whitaker Center. I am sorry I hadn't gone earlier because it was well worth seeing and I would have promoted it more in the blog. The show ends Friday, but if you have a moment, do slip into the lobby. There is no charge . . . Another new shipment of merchandise has arrived. Last year we had great success with a little gift book called Christmas Memories which selected a highlight of every year in the century; (do you know when Rudolph debuted or when White Christmas was first performed?). We have more of those in stock and also a new companion piece called 20th Century Memories, which highlights an event or two in every year. I haven't had a chance to explore it, but Bob says this is a marvelous gift book for older people--the older, the better. Both sell for $12.95 (and are eligible for the 10% discount during the sale, of course) . . . These pumpkins are adult works (you don't let the little ones go at it with the knife) but one is already getting squishy and is not apt to make it to Halloween, I am informed . . .
Monday, October 17, 2011
Another beautiful day . . . New shipment of note cards, boxed Christmas cards and some real crazy Halloween cards. Still a nice selection for this spooky holiday . . . Enough of you have requested them so today I placed an order for those popular holiday specs; slip them on and look at the lights on the Christmas tree (or any others, for that matter) and you suddenly see an elf, Santa, snowflake, star or snowman. As I recall these sell for $2 each or 3/$5. Delivery expected by the end of the week . . . Fall decorations are popping up on just about every lawn in the suburbs. I don't think these are intended to be Cecilia and JJ but they are in Grandpa Tom's yard . . . David Hoffman back from a visit with relatives in Texas. He drove all the way . . .
Sunday, October 16, 2011
A beautiful fall day, possibly the nicest this season. Bright sun and breezy. I took two long walks today . . . Thanks to Guy Kehler for the floral arrangement. It will look great in the store during our anniversary sale . . . Lindsay Mills is celebrating his birthday on Tuesday and Bob's niece, Trisha Boyer, celebrates Thursday . . . I think I could be a supporter of Occupy Wall Street if I could only figure out what they stand for and what they want exactly. I am frequently suspicious of those who join these movements because I am not sure that they practice what they preach. Would be interesting to know how many of these people shop at Wal-Mart and Target rather than at their local mom and pop stores, for instance . . . But I am pretty sure I know what those Tea Party people want, and I certainly don't want to be a party to that . . . I keep thinking of them as The Enemy Within . . .
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Thanks to Rick May who ran interference with Verizon for me this afternoon I am now back on the Internet and able to read my e-mails. Apparently Verizon is having problems in our area. A neighbor's telephone called 911 on its own which brought a response from the police department. Curiouser and curiouser--but then this is the month of ghosts and ghouls . . . Received a new shipment of glass earrings and necklaces from Fred Imhoff this morning. Beautiful. The set sells for $70 but of course you can save 10% for the next two weeks . . . Fall has touched the trees on Forster Street, but one of them seems to be pushing the season. It is wearing red before its sisters . . .
Friday, October 14, 2011
Another dreary day of clouds and rain. I braved the downpour to open the leaf-filled drain at the end of our block . . . The expected shipments of new merchandise failed to arrive . . . Got a late afternoon call from Verizon saying that my Internet line was fixed; it wasn't so I called the number that they provided. That took me to India on a terrible connection; I asked the fellow if he could get someone on another line who might speak English with less of an accent, which was almost impossible to decipher. He was deeply offended and when I asked for a supervisor he said there were none available. I couldn't help but think of that credit card commercial where the callers get stuck with "Peggy." (I assume you all have seen those.) . . . Called Verizon tech support and after some pleasant moments with an English-speaking girl I was informed that the phone call I had received must have been in error because my "problem" was still "ticketed" which meant that no one had tackled it yet. But the good news: the "ticket" said the problem had to be cleared up by Saturday at five p.m. . . . We shall see . . .
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Do you know anything about voodoo? My neighbor is very curious. He opened the door this morning and found a neat pile of rice on his stoop. At first he thought it was probably a thoughtless leftover from a Chinese dinner that someone simply tossed away; but wait--this was uncooked rice, and so neatly displayed. This must be a meaningful deposit, but what? Anyone out there want to take a stab at this? . . . Brian MacLeod has been reporting that our street light is out for a couple of weeks; thus far nothing has been done so he asked neighbors to join in the protest.
The darkness could have helped in the theft of the Hill porch table and chairs over the weekend, so I called the emergency number posted on the pole this morning. Well, folks, it turns out that the city no longer has a maintenance contract with that particular firm and though it promises to pass the word of outage along, there is no way to be sure that the message got through. Should you have any street lamp problems and live in the city, you should report same to the Public Works department at 236-4802 . . . Today's big news from city hall concerns the poll taken by a local television station and what the figures might mean. I was one of those called in this survey that sought to judge public opinion on the city debt. I voted for bankruptcy since those whose judgement I trust seem to support that option, but apparently we are in the minority there. Some of the questions were a bit difficult to answer since the choices overlapped--the bankruptcy issue and the mayor/council cooperative endeavor were the possible answers to the same question . . .
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The green ash tree on Green Street that normally bursts into glorious golden foliage about this time disappointed this year. The leaves turned quickly and became little brown curls that littered cars and sidewalks. And, of course, this being street cleaning week, one driver failed to move his vehicle which left us with a mess to clean up. I swear, if the city wants money, these failure-to-move people should be fined fifty dollars or so; that should be a cure, though I did see that the floor of this particular vehicle was already littered with parking tickets presumably unpaid . . . placed several more orders for merchandise today--the shop will be bulging if all this stuff ever arrives. Our anniversary sale begins in just a few days and we still haven't mailed our postcards yet. Please spread the word and come yourself to save . . .
Monday, October 10, 2011
Another beautiful day and a happy one for state workers since the Capital complex was closed for the Columbus Day holiday. About the only sad soul this morning was our neighbor Sabrina who had to go to kindergarten to make up for a day lost during the flood (if I understood correctly). Mom, dad and brother Felix had the day off . . . That pesky squirrel was still in the vicinity this morning and threatening to raise havoc inside The Bare Wall since we wanted to let the doors hang open to benefit from the warmth outside. Enter Eric W., the great white hunter, who, with his trusty trap, soon was carting the quarrelsome beast back to Capitol Park. But when Eric returned home there sat another (?) member of the species in his back yard. Surely not the same one, but who knows . . . Thought this entry on Kelker Street was festively dressed for fall; there are several such throughout the area. Nice to see . . .
Sunday, October 9, 2011
An absolutely beautiful day--in the high seventies on October 9. The streets were busy with strollers enjoying a summer's day. Doug and Amy Hill in the 700 block of Green would have liked to share dinner on the porch as they had all summer but unfortunately someone stole their table and chairs overnight. Our neighborhood is besieged by thieves these days . . . It was a hard sell but I finally got JJ to loan me his Story of Robin Hood and Treasure Island DVDs. But only for five days; he wants them back by Friday . . . Bob's weekend with his club brothers was a nice event; the food at the Raddison was excellent, he reported . . .
Saturday, October 8, 2011
On a great day like today we normally would have had all the doors hanging open with the hope of warming up the inside. Unfortunately we were being visited by a pesky squirrel (probably from Capitol Park) who was determined to get inside. He twice got into the vestibule and was not at all frightened when we lunged in his direction; rather he was looking for a treat . . . Members of Bob's men's club are in town to celebrate the 20th anniversary of its founding with a big "do" at the Radisson. Fortunately for us some of the boys put shopping at The Bare Wall on their weekend itinerary. Even if they had not come it would have been a busy day; Yvonne and her daughters Ann and Claire from Ohio came to visit as did several locals from the neighborhood. I am just sorry that so many orders that are in transit have yet to arrive . . . Penn State's football team surprised everyone (except Joe?) by beating Iowa . . .
Friday, October 7, 2011
Because this is a holiday weekend, JJ did not have a soccer game tonight. Never thought I would miss the game, but I do. The Bare Wall will be open Monday, incidentally . . . The Hodge Podgery shop on North Third is now closed. The space that housed The Brass Monkey tattoo parlor on North Street will soon welcome a barber shop . . . Please note that there was a comment posted on Wednesday's entry; have no idea what it means. This obviously belongs somewhere else . . . Tried twice today to photograph a Halloween display in the 200 block of Cumberland, but it just didn't work out. Three properties have gone together to produce a haunted house theme. Neat . . . This certainly is a month for birthdays. Hope I have all these dates right: Ed Marsico Sr., 8th; Joel Turley, 10th; Chris Lingus, 11th; Suzi Marsico, 18th; The Bare Wall and me, 23rd . . . If there are corrections or additions, please e-mail me; address on the left . . .
Thursday, October 6, 2011

I have recently mentioned the theft of garbage cans on North Street and a planter from Janet Foreman’s stoop on Green Street. Today I received a detailed message from Michelle Hollis in the 900 block of Susquehanna (slightly edited): Not only is Der Maennerchor experiencing theft in the midtown area, we did as well. I came home from work Tuesday night to find my beautiful flower pots GONE! Left in the wake were the bushes and some of the flowers and other plants, just sitting on the sidewalk. The bricks and rocks that were in the bottom of the pots were clearly dumped out by the thief before SHE absconded with the pots . . . You ask, how do I know it was a she? Well, one of the construction workers working at the neighbors spotted the senior and witnessed the crime. She dumped the contents and loaded up pots into an awaiting shopping cart that was abandoned over the weekend in a nearby parking lot. The cart came all the way from Dollar General (Cameron Street perhaps?). Anyway, the construction guy just watched and took no action. I have a few choice words for him . . . Kudos to the Harrisburg Police. Two young officers arrived within 10 minutes of my call. They took the information, I e-mailed some before and after photos to them and they cautioned us not to confront the thief should we find the pots . . . Oh, and did I mention granny was wearing a….wait for it….hoodie. Why is there always a hoodie involved??? . . .
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
A belated happy birthday to Jason Hess, our neighbor and acting city solicitor; he celebrated yesterday . . . JJ and I paid an Internet visit to and after some exploration settled on a two-disc set of Tom & Jerry. Bugs Bunny was in the running, but only briefly. I also wanted to order JJ the old 1950s Treasure Island and explained that it was about a young boy with a treasure map and pirates; he wasn't convinced at first and asked to look at the cover. Once he saw it, the DVD was a "go." Hopefully I'll get the loan of it at some point . . . Neighbor Betty Holmboe tried out the new Cribari's Restaurant in the space that once housed Nonna's on Reily Street opposite the Midtown Cinema. She gave it a good review and said it would be a nice addition to the area that also boasts Brothers' Pizza, Ciervo's and Breads and Spreads . . .
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Bob and I were saddened to learn this morning that our close friend Jon Carfagno had passed away overnight. I was devastated, actually. Jon was my confidant who shared all my secrets for years; we talked on the phone a couple of times a week. He always was there for me with marvelous advice--although I didn't always follow it . . . We had met under peculiar circumstances maybe fifteen years ago. There was a motor accident on Briggs Street one night and a large pickup truck was damaged. It was clearly not driveable. The policeman wanted to leave the info on the windshield but I said that whoever owned it would come in the morning expecting to go to work; if the cop would give me the address I would go talk to the owner. That led me to Jon's companion, Larry Kirkhuff, and I gave him the bad news . . . Jon was well known to everyone throughout the neighborhood, but possibly not by name. He and Larry had a beautiful dog, Bear, who we in the area adopted as our mascot. Everyone loved Bear and a few of us even noticed that there was a young chap on the other end of the leash--Jon. Bear lived for a dozen years and passed away about three years ago . . . Every voter in our ward got to see Jon at least twice a year since he ran the balloting at St. Michael's Church . . . This will be a difficult loss for many of us. Jon will be hard to replace in our lives . . .
Monday, October 3, 2011

Ugh. Another sunless raw day. I even turned some heat on (for twenty minutes, but it did take the chill off for a bit). What really hurt was my phone call to Dan in Minnesota to order some more of his gold-filled paperweights. (Yes, folks, the pyramid will be back in stock.) When I complained about our weather he said to "hold tight" and that the mid west was sending us some relief. It has been in the eighties out there for the past few days . . . Had a really lonely morning. For the past several weeks Annalise would come to visit with me and see what is new. She loves to touch things and her favorite is the arborvitae bushes out front. We would clap hands and she would share a big smile or two--something she doesn't do for just anybody. Alas, today her mother Jaime had to return to the classroom and take up her teaching career, so Annalise went off to daycare, leaving me to fend for myself . . .
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Another raw day and--what's this? It snowed overnight in Three Springs and Orbisonia just up the pike from here. Is this a real harbinger of things to come? . . . A belated happy birthday to Eileen Young, who just returned to town from a visit to Chile. A happy birthday Monday to Kimberly Rathnam and Brent Lawson Jr. and to Andrea McKenna on Tuesday . . . Wanted to try out the new coffee shop at Green and Meunch but found that it is closed on Sundays. Weekdays and Saturday it opens between seven and eight and closes at two . . . Garbage cans have been disappearing from the Maennerchor on North Street with some frequency and on Saturday both Angela Lawson and Bob Deibler believe they have seen at least one of the culprits. Angela saw a man rolling one can away in the afternoon and Bob saw the fellow in possession of same later as he passed the store. Apparently the club has been reporting the thefts but the police have not yet come by to investigate . . . This lack of sun has been giving all of us a bad hair day . . .
Saturday, October 1, 2011
A really crappy day--gray, rainy and the first cold weather of the fall season. Despite this, the neighborhood groups which planned clean-up campaigns came out in full force to beautify the area . . . I think this might be rushing the season a bit, but this front porch in the 1900 block of Green Street is surely just the first in a round of Halloween decorations that will be making an appearance in the coming days. All are welcome and some are particularly creative . . . I know what JJ's costume with be this year but I have been sworn to secrecy. Sorry . . .
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