Hot again. Ugh . . . The Vartan building project at Sixth and Reily and another at Second and State are now underway . . . Amy and Doug Hill walked some of the Appalachian Trail on Monday . . . Talked to a Comcast repairman during my morning walk and learned that there are still a lot of folks in the city without cable. One friend on the West Shore was without power for twenty-seven hours after last Thursday's storm . . . Friends and customers were well represented in today's Pat-News Letters to the Editor column. Felicity Fox from Shipoke commented on the lack of humane services for stray and abused pets in the city while Joe Russian noted that there is a distinct lack of civic pride in the city these days; homeowners don't clean sidewalks and gutters like they used to, and businesses don't hose down the areas in front of their enterprises. Restaurant Row could certainly use a good scrubbing . . . There was some patient painter taking pains with his work--I found the fancy treatment to an iron gate in the 200 block of Hamilton Street . . . click to enlarge . . .
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011

Hot, hot, hot. (Worse tomorrow, we are told.) Bob went to his brother's in Halifax for a family picnic and I opened the store for a couple of hours. I had only two customers in three-plus hours and one of those was from Halifax! . . . Charles Fetterhoff celebrating his birthday on June 1 . . . Cecilia saluted brother JJ as her hero at the Camp Hill Memorial Day parade this morning . . .
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Despite the fact that Bob is an excellent cook, I decided that this should be a "picnic" weekend. Yesterday we had hamburgers, today we had hot dogs. Not sure about tomorrow since he is going to the family picnic and I will be running the store for a couple of hours in the afternoon if the weather cooperates. I managed the place alone for a few hours today--the first time since my hospital days--and while I had a few nice sales I must admit that I am a bit bushed this evening . . . Finished one book and started another; Angela Lawson and I are having a summer of cozy mysteries . . . This beautiful Scottish broom is at the corner of Riley and Second. Just up the street was a spectacular orange rose just loaded with blooms that I hoped to share with you but unfortunately the storm beat me there . . .
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Holiday weekend is off to a good start with fine weather and just a shower or two. I hope everyone will be safe as we kick off the summer season . . . The blog site is being difficult these last couple of days and we cannot always make the adjustments that we would like. I wanted to point out in yesterday's photo that a back balcony had also been destroyed when the tree came down, but for some reason I was not able to add that to my text. Anyway, I am sure that several of you must have noticed that . . . As of this writing we plan to have The Bare Wall open for a couple of hours Sunday and Monday afternoon if the weather continues fair, so check us out if you are in the vicinity . . . Well, spring has come and gone here, but it is just arriving in Provincetown, Ma. Today's garden photo is courtesy of Bob Coldren . . . (I don't think the butterfly is real!!!!) . . .
Friday, May 27, 2011
Last night's storms were so much more destructive than we imagined. We drove down Front Street late this afternoon and could not help but marvel at the huge trees which were uprooted onto homes and cars . . . the picture above was taken in the 1500 block of Green just a few doors south of Bob's home. If you look closely you might see a spot or two of turquoise under that tree. (click to enlarge) That's a car with a smashed windshield; the brown car lost its windshield as well. The street was closed for several hours until crews could get to it. There were a lot of downed trees awaiting a chain saw . . . Spent the morning at JJ's graduation from daycare. It was a really sweet event as eight youngsters prepared to enter kindergarten this fall. We were serenaded with quite a number of songs and each grad was saluted in music by his classmates. The kids sang "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" to honor JJ. Never thought I would have been caught at such an event . . . JJ's Grandpa Tom is back in town after playing tour guide for several travelers seeing Scandinavia and
Russia . . .
Russia . . .
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fierce storms tore through Central Pennsylvania early this evening. Much of Harrisburg lost cable TV and Green Street was closed between Clinton and Harris when three-quarters of a huge tree came down and buried a couple of cars. No injuries that I know of. Am a bit worried about our friend Janet Reed and her ArtsFest preparations since I know several of the tents had already been erected in Riverfront Park . . . Our visiting nurse "discharged" me today; no more regular visits. Bob and I are on our own, but we do have an emergency number "just in case." Felt peppy enough to walk downtown to the bank and to the State Cafe for one of their juicy hamburgers. Was surprised to learn that they now close at two in the afternoon and are no longer open for supper. Don't know when that first started. You can learn a lot by taking a short hike after spending three-plus months in seclusion . . . TheBurg for June is now available . . . Went to my first T-Ball game last night. Coaches (and parents) certainly have a lot of patience. Best thing was getting a baseball card that is sure to be worth really big bucks down the line--fifty years or so. Did have one complaint, however. It didn't come with a slab of bubble gum like they used to . . .
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Yesterday's post certainly brought some comment. “I have an answer for you in regard to "to get ahold of" from the blog post yesterday. I sent the question to my mother, who teaches English with a specialty in Grammar; she and a colleague provided the following response: Here is the consensus of two great English minds. "I must get ahold of . . . " is a colloquialism, as in, "I must get ahold of Bryan to find out when the party starts." To write it as 2 words, "a hold" has a different meaning as in, "I put a hold on the newest Clancy novel at the library." It should be 2 words if you can insert an adjective in between "A" and "hold," as in, "She kept a tight hold on her squirming toddler." That's our best shot . . . So there you go. l hope that helps a little. Bryan Macleod . . . Eric Battisti also surfed the net and found two sites that discussed this same situation. Bottom line there: there was no consensus . . . Sorry to hear that Lemoyne Sleeper is going out of business; more jobs lost. It is time that we balance the budget by creating employment not more unemployment. Remember all those misguided tea drinkers who complained about “bailouts” during the Bush depression. Well, the government has gotten a lot of its money back already and at a profit. Those helped are still at work and paying taxes while taking care of their families. Gov. Corbett, take notice.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I've already mentioned that I have been reading a lot lately. During this time I have encountered an interesting situation in several publications. Authors and editors definitely need to get together. Some texts say: "I must get hold of . . ." Others say: "I must get a hold of . . ." while still others use "I must get ahold of . . ." Any experts out there? . . . Liked a line from the book I am currently reading. One character says: With every day I have more of a past and less of a future . . .
Monday, May 23, 2011
Well, yes, it is a small world. Our friend Joe Kershner from York made the acquaintance of our friend Tom Harmon of Scottsdale, Arizona, when they were both vacationing at the same resort in California . . . Even smaller: I ordered a used book from which was to ship from Florida but instead came by air mail from the UK. Ya never know . . . If you are in the mood for a summer read may I suggest a classic: John MacNab by John Buchan. So much fun. Three Scottish landowners learn that they have been targeted by three poachers; can they protect their property or can the invaders out-maneuver them? . . . Someone has written a contemporary update to this adventure, and that is what I received today: Return of John Macnab. Hope it is as entertaining as the original . . .
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Kathy MacNett alerted me to the fact that fire engines and a PPL truck were in the vicinity of Green and North about 7:30 last night. There may have been an incident in the Cathedral parking lot but I was unable to find out any info . . . Kathy also patronized the bicycle ice cream cart which has been cruising our neighborhood as I reported earlier. Kathy was told that the owner bought the 1950s cart on EBay and hopes to serve the area throughout the summer . . . Spent Sunday morning watching one of favorite films on TCM: Good News with June Alyson and Peter Lawford. When you are as old as I am it is surprising how diverting the old 1940 MGM musicals can be. One forgets all his pains and cares and just "chills out" for a couple of hours. But then, wasn't that the intention? The world was at war and we needed a little escapism . . . It is nice to have a young man as a Godchild because it allows me to read all the books that somehow escaped me when I was a kid. I am just finishing R. L. Stevenson's
Black Arrow and I have even ordered on DVD an old BBC series from the '70s that was based on the book. I can enjoy and then pass it on to "the kid;" he is a convenient excuse. JJ's big ball game is Wednesday and he graduates from daycare on Friday . . .
Black Arrow and I have even ordered on DVD an old BBC series from the '70s that was based on the book. I can enjoy and then pass it on to "the kid;" he is a convenient excuse. JJ's big ball game is Wednesday and he graduates from daycare on Friday . . .
Saturday, May 21, 2011
The appointed time has come and gone and we are still here so I assume the world did not end this afternoon. No Rapture. That comes later tonight when Bob serves our strawberry shortcake dessert. He discovered last year that big sugar cookies from the Broad Street Market were even better than the traditional "cake" so that's what he will be serving . . . wonderful day, sun and warmth . . . One of Corbett's cabinet members is tossing his weight around, making threats, and that has everyone yakking today. The fellow apparently was unhappy with his service at Roxy's Cafe and pulled that "don't you know who I am" routine. He appears to have been responsible for a visit from the Health Department to harass the business. Am looking forward to a statement from the governor . . .
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Cold, cloudy and rain with a cloud burst about five p.m. that dropped well over an inch in just an hour. Usual intersections were flooded and many places are on a watch list since more rain is expected . . . winners in yesterday's election seem almost relieved to have gotten through the ordeal but I hope they are not gloating; they still are expected to produce for us. It seemed obvious to me that the vote was anti-Thompson; no candidate thought to be in her corner got more than a few hundred votes . . . The continued rains have detained preparations for
ArtsFest in Riverfront Park. Mowers cannot mow, etc. I have been told that 285 exhibitors are expected and quite a number of those will be making their first appearance here. Tents are supposed to go up beginning on Monday if the weather cooperates . . .
ArtsFest in Riverfront Park. Mowers cannot mow, etc. I have been told that 285 exhibitors are expected and quite a number of those will be making their first appearance here. Tents are supposed to go up beginning on Monday if the weather cooperates . . .
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Cold and rainy election day. Not many trekking to the polls. But to look on the bright side: yard signs should disappear by tomorrow night, no more junk mail and no more political phone calls disturbing your day . . . Seems like several individuals or small groups decided to issue their recommendations for various offices this time around. (These were all anti-Thompson as far as I can tell; no one asked me to support the mayor's buddies.) Everyone wants to be a king-maker these days. I should have done a blog on my own choices but, frankly, I hardly knew half the wannabe candidates . . . I guess I might have set my recovery back by a few days last night. I'm trying to cut down on the pain pills but after two hours of discomfort I gave in and reached for the medicine and water glass. A glance at the clock told me it was one a.m. My TV was still on and turned to the TCM channel. Painting the Clouds with Sunshine, an old Warner musical, was just beginning: Dennis Morgan, Virginia Mayo, Gene Nelson. In my youth I had a 10-inch long playing soundtrack recording from that film, so I felt obligated to give it my attention for a while. So the next two hours I fought sleep just to watch and, I am sorry to say, though I remember the recording fondly, the film really wasn't worth the time I invested. But Bob was kind and let me laze in bed until nine this morning . . .
Monday, May 16, 2011
The first crop of dandelions has come and gone. The bright yellow flowers (admittedly cheerful) have turned to white puffballs and the individual seeds have parachuted to other environs. The name dandelions stems from the fact that the leaves resemble lions' teeth—dent-de-lion in French . . . I remember my grandparents and the neighboring families “harvesting” the first spring crop for “a mess of greens” which I never liked; too bitter. They never used the plants in their mountain neighborhood that may have been visited by dogs or cats, however; rather we drove further out into the country where, one supposed, the greenery was pristine . . . I was a 'cruit at Ft. Knox, Ky., in the spring of 1960 when I heard a story that was going around. Supposedly some foreign dignitary had visited the base a few years previous and had remarked on the abundance of yellow flowers blanketing the area. The base commander allegedly took the remark as a criticism so his self-appointed aim was to rid the base of dandelions. It sounded like a myth, but—sure enough—as the first flower appeared we were all instructed to carry the knife from our mess kit everywhere we went. During “breaks” or a lapse in the training program we were not permitted to rest. We were assigned the (impossible) task of digging up every dandelion we could find . . . I have often wondered if there are any dandelions at Fr. Knox today . . .
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Friends Jon Hulka and Dan Beard stopped for brunch on their way home to Fulton County after a weekend in Philly . . . Got haircuts from Ernie Kepner . . . hear the Harrisburg Young Professionals house tour Saturday was a great success . . . the rainy days are back and are predicted to stick with us for a few days . . . learned that our friend Joe Kershner is traveling through some western states; it was 106 in Death Valley but snow was expected in the mountains . . .
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Dr. Bob Coldren has identified yesterday's tree as a scarlet hawthorn; he has an identical one in his yard in Provincetown, Ma., but, being much further north, there are no blooms on that one yet . . . On occasion someone will ask about Apiana soap, the popular Swiss product in white or green with a bee motif which was quite popular with our clients for many years. Well, the company is going through a rough patch these days. Their major customer, Crabtree & Evelyn, filed for bankruptcy a few years ago, leaving the smaller firm in the lurch. Our American supplier has had difficulty in acquiring product and, in despair, has now put everything on hold for the moment. We will keep you informed . . . Okay, so this is a family site but we have a little info to impart so hide the little ones' eyes for just a moment. There is a dying tree in front of 710 Green; property owner Matt Coble says it will be removed in the near future. Anyway, one dying limb is attacked almost every afternoon by a woodpecker who really makes a racket. Well, we have been informed that the fellow is not hunting for bugs as most of us thought; rather he is attempting to attract a mate AND according to our authority who does not wish to be identified (fearing a label of voyeur) the young feathered male was seen to be successful!!!!! . . . This is a weekend to ignore your phone when it rings. Political hopefuls (who can afford it) will be disturbing us every hour of the day. That having been said, be sure to vote on Tuesday . . .
Friday, May 13, 2011
If my math can be trusted, this is Day 103 without a cigarette. It hasn't been too hard, but I will admit to desiring a smoke once or twice this week. But I have no intention of giving in just now . . . There is a tree soaring more than two stories in the back yard of a Penn Street home. I have never seen another like it. I got this picture from a second floor deck. From the crown there are graceful arching limbs bursting with blooms. The flowers are quite aromatic and Bob compares the scent to honeysuckle. Hopefully, some reader will recognize this plant and let us know what it is . . .
Sorry not to have posted yesterday; Google apparently was having some software problems and, while you could access the site, I could not post anything new . . . I have some catching up to do, so perhaps it will take two entries or so to get it all in . . . Thanks to Mary and Chris Lingus for the dessert from the Greek Festival which continues through Sunday . . . A major event occurred on our block about 1:30 a.m. this (Friday) morning when a flat-bed truck came down Oliver Alley from Third and tried to turn onto Green. The way was partially blocked by a utility pole and the truck had to perform several forward/back maneuvers to make the turn. Every back motion struck Amy and Doug Hill's newly restored home and crushed the down spouting and several of the pieces of siding. The stop sign that stood at that site is also history. The license plate of the hit-and-run vehicle was obtained and police are supposedly on the trail. Let us hope so . . .
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Care-giver Bob got a brief respite today; he went out for breakfast with Steve Magyar, a long-time friend from Millersburg . . . Ronn in the meanwhile decided to take an extended trot around the neighborhood since the weather was so perfect. Well, thank heavens for friend George Miller and his tenant Ken Nichols; I over extended myself and had to beg the use of their stoop for a fifteen-minute recovery period . . . Ned Hoffer came by the store on a "walk" this afternoon. Turns out he also has just undergone serious surgery and was following doctor's orders for exercise . . .
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
We in the neighborhood are looking forward to a basketful of fresh and healthy vegetables this summer thanks to Mary Ann and Rick May, Kevin Hancock, Kevin Sheets and two others I don't know. The six friends have joined forces to garden on the former State Hospital grounds . . . Paid a visit to Doctor Dowling this morning. He removed the last stent from my kidneys and was sufficiently encouraged by my numbers to delay my next visit for six weeks. Of course, you know how these things work--I haven't had any serious pain since the surgery, but as soon as I left his office I developed a lasting stitch in my right side. Fortunately it has disappeared this evening . . . The city is deeply in debt and looking for every cent it can find; the mayor makes $80,000 a year. Today it was reported that the mayor is in arrears on her property taxes--$1,000 was the amount cited . . .
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Very nice Mother's Day weather-wise. We enjoyed some porch sitting in the morning and a visit to the Battisti family this afternoon. JJ proudly showed off his bedroom in the new house and his recently acquired goldfish. Unfortunately I noted the cash register-like bank that Bob had bought him a couple of years ago and he promptly demanded any change I might have in my pockets . . . Spoke with Jack Brandt on the phone; his recovery from surgery is pretty much paralleling my own . . . This will be a busy week on the block. Alyson Garcia will be celebrating a birthday tomorrow and Matt Simmons will mark his natal day on Wednesday. And in case you didn't notice yet, Friday is the 13th. The annual Greek festival will be next weekend. But temps are to be in the 70s which is okay by me . . .
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Really nice day until late when a chilly breeze arose; lots of visitors looking for Mother's Day gifts . . . Several friends gave Bob and me bags full of books to keep us amused during my recovery. I have been reading a book every two days--mysteries, mostly, but gay novels and some non-fiction volumes as well. Most, of course, get a review from me on, and they end up on a bargain table at The Bare Wall. Paperbacks go for fifty cents while the hardcover and trade books are priced at two dollars. Not all titles will appeal to every reader, but I can make one sweeping recommendation for everyone. James Patterson has written a lovely romance that is sure to be in demand for years to come. It is a quick read, so do pick up a copy of Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas. You won't be disappointed . . .
Friday, May 6, 2011
Felt pretty spunky today so I went for a trot around the block and involved myself in the activities at the store; there is still a huge stack of (hopefully) junk mail that has accumulated over the last two months. Bottom line, however: rather overdid the whole thing and am looking forward to an early trip to bed . . . Irises are ablaze all over the city. These were my mom's favorite flowers and our friend Michelle Hollis would certainly have agreed with her . . . Back in my youth the women called them Flags, and I think they now bloom earlier than they used to. (Bob does not agree, however.) I can remember mom selecting various colored blooms from her collection, plunging them into a bucket of water and then trotting the length of the cemetery to decorate family graves for Memorial Day . . . During the year mom and her friends would exchange rhizomes (sp?) to increase their color groupings . . . My grandparents lived next door to a minister whose wife collected wildflowers. I was stunned one day to be hiking in the depths of the forest and I came across a huge iris in bloom. I ran home to proclaim my discovery and the wife admitted that she had put the plant there. She didn't think that God would mind her borrowing a plant for her garden if she replaced it in His with one of her own. For the next couple of years when we went hiking we would come across a clump of iris and realize that they were a replacement for a plant that had been harvested for our neighbor's garden . . .
Thursday, May 5, 2011
For you out-of-towners it was announced today that there would not be a Pridefest parade this year. City Hall has yet to issue a permit or to indicate how much the charge would be this year; chances are that the city will want a lot more than in the past . . . More mismanagement by the Thompson administration which seems not te realize just how much money this event brings to Central Pennsylvania. Remember the disaster last July when the musicfest was replaced by the mayor's jazz concerts and nobody came? . . . Nice sun but chilly breeze today . . .
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Chilly and damp. Where is spring? . . . Was startled this morning to open the Pat-News and be confronted by a picture of Diane Neiper, JJ's grandmother, who was attending a candidates' night in Camp Hill . . . The Book of Mormon swept most of the Tony nominations this year. Only person I know who has seen it is Charles Peguese, but I haven't heard his review yet . . . TheBurg for May is now available . . . Forgot to identify yesterday's azalea as belonging to the Coldren/Barnett household. And I hadn't meant to slight the beautiful dogwoods and red buds which are also showing off right now . . . Early on I assumed surgery recovery would be like a ramp--every day would be a step or two upward; I've since learned it is more like a staircase--a few days of stepping up can be followed by a hesitation or even a step or two backwards. When people ask How's it going? I feel compelled to be truthful: not every day is better than the one before. But Bob says that, cumulatively, he can see a constant improvement, particularly in appetite . . .
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Bob and I watched a segment of Disappeared on the ID channel last night. It was the tale of the Harrisburg woman who stole from her church, abandoned her child with a local friend and then went on the lam. Of course, the parents refused to think ill of their daughter. We assume the show was a repeat since Police Chief Keller was still in charge of things. Always fun to see shows shot in and around our city . . . JJ says he is helping grandpa plant the garden . . . Lee Spitalny spent the weekend in New York City with daughter Jane and son Gary. She treated them to The Jersey Boys, a show she had seen last year . . . Ronald Hoffman's A-Team contractors from Dillsburg are back working in the area; he made the mistake of stopping by and of course we have another little chore for him when he gets time . . . Won't tell you which neighbor got greetings from the IRS because he forgot to sign his tax return . . . Azaleas in all sizes and colors are beginning to blaze throughout the city . . .
Monday, May 2, 2011
The doc seems to be very pleased with my recovery progress. He took a chance and removed the stent (spelling?) in my left kidney; still have one on the right side. I provided a list of "discomfort and distress" items, but Dr. Dowling indicated that every one of them is a "normal" reaction in a radical surgery like I underwent. I am still a bit worried about my weight loss, but that need not be a concern according to the physician . . . Happy Birthday greetings are due this week for two former neighborhood residents. Lonnie Kerr will be 47 on Wednesday and Michael Billo turns 55 on Thursday . . .
Sunday, May 1, 2011
I see the doctor tomorrow morning. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. I know there are still a few issues and hopefully these will be no obstacles on the road to recovery . . . Neighbors tell me that I missed the escalating activity in our neighborhood Saturday night. The new restaurant presumably had a practice run for several visitors and there was also a bicycle driven ice cream cart tinkling down the street . . . Spotted the Steelers rock just outside the kitchen door in JJ's garden. It was painted for him by Ruth Reed of Dalmatia; we've sold her crafts in the past and she will be showing more at the cherry blossom festival in Millersburg next week. JJ was a Pittsburgh fan last fall but I found he was less than loyal as the season progressed. I think he was for Green Bay at the bitter end . . . I have been increasing the length of my daily walks but still cannot shake the minor pain in thighs and ankles. Guess it really will take another couple of months to get back into shape . . .
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