This blog is not intended to address controversial issues, so I apologize for what follows. . . . There is something scary in the air these days; have the Commies been polluting it? Or is this simply the "silly season?" . . . First it has been reported that mothers Uptown have encouraged their daughters to fight, causing a near riot in the streets. Is this the new "parental guidance?" . . . then there is the saga of a man and his dog, the animal "dog-napped" and isolated by the Humane Society which will now spend thousands donated for abandoned pets to hire a
competent but high-priced law firm to cover its ass-
ets; for dog's sake, give the fellow his buddy and use the money to feed the other animals . . . (do I see fodder for another children's book a la
Black Beauty in all of this?) . . . then there is the story of an abandoned right-of-way suddenly reclaimed by a school board on which a fence was erected thereby denying Camp Hill residents access to their garages. There is a simple solution: move the fence back a couple of feet. NO! Too simple in our complex society; rather we will spend thousands for a "feasibility study" and import a dozen "experts" (at great expense) to suggest, ultimately, that the fence be moved back two feet. We need horse-sense, folks, not horse--well, never mind. . . You can at least be happy that I'm ignoring the state budget crisis . . . talk about "silly season" . . .